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hashcat Forum

Full Version: A mask to match IPv4 maybe?
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What is the proper way of brute-forcing hashes using all ipv4 addresses as plain-text passwords?

With oclHashcat it can be easily done using a combination mode and two dictionaries, you can read about it here

But combination mode for cpu hashcat is different, it takes only one dictionary and attacks with combinations of words in that dictionary.

A dictionary of all ip addresses is going to eat a real lot of disk space, so it is not a good solution. 

Another approach is to use many masks to match various ip formats, like this
?d.?d.?d.?d -> x.x.x.x
1?d?d.?d?d.?d?d?d.?d ->
?d.?d?d?d.?d?d?d.?d ->
and so on. 

However, such masks may also match invalid IPs, and it will take many sessions to check all masks. 

So I wonder if there is a more elegant solution.
Script the generation of valid IP addresses and pipe it into hashcat?
(10-24-2015, 11:24 PM)NullMode Wrote: [ -> ]Script the generation of valid IP addresses and pipe it into hashcat?

How do you pipe into hashcat? It doesn't seem to support stdin input.
And isn't it a bottleneck for hashcat?
hcmask file for all ipv4 addresses:
cool thing, thanks
ugh, just noticed I screwed up there. This one should only generate valid ipv4 addresses:
(10-25-2015, 10:13 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]ugh, just noticed I screwed up there. This one should only generate valid ipv4 addresses:

Great, thank you! I've checked, and it does produce exactly 4294967296 ips