I'm getting a weird line-length exception with this command:
cudaHashcat64 -m 1500 -a 3 --session session1 ?d?d?d?d?l?l -o file.txt --remove hashed_file.txt
It's throwing me the error with the ?d?d?d?d?l?l section, and I'm not sure why.
Does hashed_file.txt contain only hashes -- no usernames, etc.?
Does it work OK with other masks?
Your command line is badly structured. Try this:
cudaHashcat64 -m 1500 -a 3 --session session1 -o file.txt --remove hashed_file.txt ?d?d?d?d?l?l
(11-09-2015, 03:26 AM)mastercracker Wrote: [ -> ]Your command line is badly structured. Try this:
cudaHashcat64 -m 1500 -a 3 --session session1 -o file.txt --remove hashed_file.txt ?d?d?d?d?l?l
This worked. How can you know the correct order for things in a command?
And another question while I am at it. It output to file.txt. I ran it and got 186 of the passwords I am cracking. If i do another command and output it there, will it overwrite what is in the text file, or just append it?
Whoops - I totally missed the command order in your original post.
Simply follow the broad usage guidance from --help:
Usage: cudaHashcat [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...
In other words, the dictionary/mask/directory should always be last, and the hashes should always be next to last, and all other options should come before them.
(11-09-2015, 04:33 AM)royce Wrote: [ -> ]Whoops - I totally missed the command order in your original post.
Simply follow the broad usage guidance from --help:
Usage: cudaHashcat [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...
In other words, the dictionary/mask/directory should always be last, and the hashes should always be next to last, and all other options should come before them.
Thank you! That actually helped explain quite a few questions I was having. I should've checked that. I look at it initially when I didn't know most of the terms, and figured I could puzzle it together from examples. So yeah, thank you very much!
Quote:And another question while I am at it. It output to file.txt. I ran it and got 186 of the passwords I am cracking. If i do another command and output it there, will it overwrite what is in the text file, or just append it?
The new cracks will be appended after what you cracked before.