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Full Version: PLEASE HELP!_MASK with 8-20 abcABC123...
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I am new with hashmask and was studying how to use the program the whole night.
My english is not so good but i was learning a lot.

My last problem is how to use the right mask!

I think to increment (in the past: --increment-min/max=NUM) has changed to: pw-min/pw-max=NUM) -  or do i misunderstand this?

To do a mask with 123456789 or abcde... or ABCDD i know how.
A lot of details are in your FAQ and Manuals- but i don't get the logic how to make a mask with the parameters of minimum 8 characters to maximum 20 charakters with various digits and abc../ABC.. - but WITHOUT the -a function and all the special signs !"§$%....

I know- a lot of you will maybe laugh at that question- but i hope somebody will answer me.

(11-23-2015, 11:38 AM)Subcortex Wrote: [ -> ]how to make a mask with the parameters of minimum 8 characters to maximum 20 charakters with various digits and abc../ABC.. - but WITHOUT the -a function and all the special signs !"§$%....

I guess that the "without -a function" you mean ?a that includes all characters.  Everything is in the wiki, specify the characters you want in a custom charset and include the custom charset in the mask:

--increment --increment=8 --increment-max=20 -1 ?d?u?l ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

The keyspace, however, is way too big.  You will be lucky if you can finish length 8 so forget about the other length.


And also, I just included the parameters related to the bruteforce, you would need to specify -a 3 to tell hashcat to use the bruteforce mode, -m to tell which algo you are cracking and an hashlist...
Thanx for answering!

Yess, the rest of options i know how to use- thanx.

__> I think the --increment-option (in the past: --increment-min/max=NUM) has changed to: pw-min/pw-max=NUM -  or do i misunderstand this?

--increment or -i is not listed in my version of hashcat in The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) Linux 2.0 if i use it there comes always an error-message that --increment is the false command.

So i was looking all the parameters listed in hashcat (0.49) and the only one i found (that works) is the pw-min/pw-max=NUM parameter instead. 

If i understand the manuals right than is "?d?l?u?d?l?u?" ... the right parameter to get all words and digits together!? So i don't understand your parameters at the end! Undecided

But just because i am a newbie- there are really many options in this genious program.

So maybe you could help me to get the right mask!? And maybe i can understand while learning by doing and thinking!?

So i want to know und use the best (various) parameter-mask to get ALL ABCabc1234...(without special charakters !"§$%&/...) to find the wpa-password that is something in between 9- 20 charakters of
BUT i want to skip (or not to have) the much 0000987732000 , or 12340000000 variations and use just the really full ones of (for example) B3c655fG921oOpDD18 ... or something like that.

Like you saying: To check ALL possibly variations it s to much time-intend! Maybe i could run hashcat than for many years!?! :-p

BUT maybe you (or others) know the right parameters to get nearly to this point where a bruteforce make sense!? This would be great.

Like my understandings i using know:

-m 2500 -a 3 --pw-min 9 --pw-max 16 XXL.hccap ?u?d?l?u?d?l?u?d?l?u?d?l?u?d?l?u

because this is all i understood from the manuals!
And it works (and needs soooo much time ;-) )

If --pw-min/-max=NUM the new parameter for increment is, than it makes sense- because it's not so long.

If the --increment-option is NOT away in hashcat and i choosed the false parameter, please tell me.
last but not least: Is hashcat stopping and giving a message if its found my key or have i wait until the programm is at the end of all given variations??
hashcat v0.49 used --pw-min/-max=NUM

latest hashcat v0.50 uses --increment, --increment-min and --increment-max

from hashcat --help:

* Built-in charsets:

   ?l = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
   ?d = 0123456789
   ?s =  !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
   ?a = ?l?u?d?s

See that last one ?a (all) is made up of lowercase ?l as previously defined + uppercase ?u + digits ?d + symbols ?s

You want to use a custom charset of upper, lower and digits, right?

Again, from the help:

* Custom charsets:

  -1,  --custom-charset1=CS          User-defined charsets
  -2,  --custom-charset2=CS          Example:
  -3,  --custom-charset3=CS          --custom-charset1=?dabcdef : sets charset ?1 to 0123456789abcdef
  -4,  --custom-charset4=CS          -2 mycharset.hcchr : sets charset ?2 to chars contained in file

"-1" is just shorthand for --custom-charset1=CS (like -i is the same as --increment)

-m 2500 -a 3 --increment --increment-min 9 --increment-max 16 XXL.hccap --custom-charset1 ?d?u?l ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?

Then wait until the end of time because there are wwwwaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too many combinations going out to 16 characters, like 62^16 = 47672401706823533450263330816

9 chars you have a shot if you've loads of GPUs, only 13,537,086,546,263,552
EDIT: Ah, just remembered this is for CPU hashcat. LOL. Never-ever-ever gonna happen.

But you can press "s" to show your progress Wink
hahaha, lol!

But if its just 9 maybe i find it in some weeks!?!? :-p

i think its time for a good databse and wordlist with pyrit! ;-)

thanx for helping me!

by the way: hashcatty (my new pet) is really awesome.
But the mathematics of wpa2 are not sooo wrong also, ain't them?!? ;-)
or has somebody a video or bitcoin-rendering-farm and want to crack my handshake faster?!?
i tried your last recommend parameters but its just begginning with the lower ones without anything else.

BUT my question was also to use a parameter which makes the attacks randomly! For example: ABde3Fghij, 12fG20KKlmn, 1293455HG2920, 02ha5GhUms, 0192hskal2MWh9, 08Kad389,... and WITHOUT this useless 00011123333AB09 - with beginning of something and going to the logical end.

The universe (and the Quarwks :-p) like it randomly- do you know?!?

And the mathematic chance to get a positive result is much higher than this attacks like crunch.

NOBODY uses a Router password like 00001111333000 - or maybe the chance is less than winning a Million in Lottery! So WHERE is the parameter that shuffles the digits and ABCabc RANDOMLY during the attack?

Maybe it makes scence that it starts from 9, going to 10, and than to 11 charakters. but PLEASE with randomly output WITHOUT this nonsense PINs that NOBODY uses! ;-)

Is there a parameter like this??
If not: please put it in the next release. :-)
(11-24-2015, 02:31 AM)Subcortex Wrote: [ -> ]i tried your last recommend parameters but its just begginning with the lower ones without anything else.

BUT my question was also to use a parameter which makes the attacks randomly! For example: ABde3Fghij, 12fG20KKlmn, 1293455HG2920, 02ha5GhUms, 0192hskal2MWh9, 08Kad389,... and WITHOUT this useless 00011123333AB09 - with beginning of something and going to the logical end.

Maybe it makes scence that it starts from 9, going to 10, and than to 11 charakters. but PLEASE with randomly output WITHOUT this nonsense PINs that NOBODY uses! ;-)

Is there a parameter like this??

oclHashcat does this by default, not sure about CPU hashcat. oclHashcat uses Markov Chains to mix things up a bit - not totally random but not 0000,0001,0002,...,9998,9999 either (use --markov-disable if you really need it to progress using arithmetic progression).

Look, you're not going to hit any 9+ char WPA passwords with a CPU and brute-force. Maybe you'll get lucky with a dictionary attack. Do you have a graphics card you can use instead?

Also, you should remove your post about looking for someone to crack it for you - that'll get you banned.
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