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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Adding to .pot file
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There are sources of newly cracked hashes:passwords. It seems that it would be a time saver to save these hashes:passwords in the .pot file as the work has already been done finding these hash:password pairs. 

Is this a wise or good thing to do? Your thoughts?
There may be other ways, but quitting and restoring the hashcat session will reread the pot file.
(11-29-2015, 08:02 PM)royce Wrote: [ -> ]There may be other ways, but quitting and restoring the hashcat session will reread the pot file.


Thank you for your reply. Let me restate. There are other sites that post cracked hash:password sets. Others have already done the heavy lifting. Wouldn't it be a time saver to take these hash:password sets and add them to one's .pot file? Isn't this essentially adding passwords to one's dictionary?
Ah, I misunderstood. I thought you meant after a cracking run had started, but it sounds like you're talking about doing this before your initial cracking run begins. That's much easier! Yes, by all means - you can certainly prepopulate your .pot file.
(11-29-2015, 11:45 PM)royce Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, I misunderstood.  I thought you meant after a cracking run had started, but it sounds like you're talking about doing this before your initial cracking run begins.  That's much easier!  Yes, by all means - you can certainly prepopulate your .pot file.

You are correct, I would add the hash:password sets to the .pot file prior to the cracking run. Thank you for your input.