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hashcat Forum

Full Version: NTML show username....Any tips?
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Good Afternoon,

Firstly may I apologize as I know this has been covered extensively, but I don't seem to understand.

I'm using hashcat GUI (0.45b1) with 0.50 - CPU (just for testing)

What id like to do is be able to show the username next to the plain text password, please

Any help is gratefully appreciated,

So far I'm using;

hashcat-cliXOP.exe -a 8 -m 1000 -p : -o "C:\Users\Chris.I7\Downloads\hash\oclHashcat-1.37\hash2_found.txt" --outfile-format=2 -n 8 -c 64 "C:\temp\hash2.txt" "C:\Users\Chris.I7\Downloads\rockyou.txt"

However, I'm getting line length  expectation error,

Im using some example hashes;

Administrator:500:###########################: ###########################:::

I know it only really accepts the hash, but my query would be how do i match the plain text password to the username on a large scale.
Don't post hashes - against the rules.

Looks like you need "-m 5600" instead. And try --outfile-format=3 to output cracked hashes to the potfile: hash[Confusedalt]:plain

Then this to combine:
Get your shit together people.
There isn't any GUI support here, mentioning one is pointless and won't help you, GUI users, as it has been just proven tend to be less able to use their brain.
If you look a bit at the --help you could have noticed the '--username' switch, it may be useful.
Also, do a bit of search on how to format the input to be hashcat friendly, there are multiple options.

@rico : the hashes are not netntlm but just lm/ntlm pairs

I only use the GUI to generate the command line, i have now used the --username (so it ignores the first field) it then proceeds and finds the password which also get outputted to a file. My issue is I can't seem to combine the files as such. I use the below;

hashcat-cli64.exe --username -a 0 -m 1000 -p : -n 8 -c 64 "C:\temp\oclhashes.txt" "C:\Users\Chris.I7\Downloads\rockyou.txt"


oclHashcat64.exe -m 1000 --show -o "C:\temp\recovered\test1.txt" --outfile-format 3 "C:\temp\oclhashes.txt"

However, I get line-length exception, error

oclhashes.txt looks like


test1.txt looks like


ERROR after running command;
" oclHashcat64.exe -m 1000 --show -o "C:\temp\recovered\test1.txt" --outfile-format 3 "C:\temp\oclhashes.txt" "

WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 1 (c1:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 2 (c2:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 3 (c3:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 4 (b4:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 5 (b5:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 6 (d6:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 7 (d7:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 8 (d8:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 9 (f9:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 10 (f10:###################): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'C:\temp\oclhashes.txt' in line 11 (jinx_test:###################): Line-length exception
Still the same answer, do your part, read the --help.

I can't take your head and bang it on your screen for you to read it.

Also, don't TRIPLE post.
Xanadrel, I appreciate your help but my problem is i dont understand why im getting the error.

Im using the cli now, i input the command and I get an output to say its found one of the 11 hashes from the input file, what I don't understand is why when I point it back to the original input file and the output file of the recovered hash it throws an error.

Either I'm making a mistake somewhere or it doesn't work. I've spent about 4 days trying to work out why it won't work and i hate to give up, but i genuinely dont understand, ive done research on the line-length error and all i can come up with is it doesn’t like the original input file, even though it took it earlier and recovered one of the hashes.

kind Regards

Did you read the --help ?
Yes, it says nothing about combining the files, it mentions the --show command to output cracked passwords only and refers to the --username in order to ignore username in hashfile.
Did I ask if you read the --help ?

This is in the --help, like 2 lines bellow --show :
--username                    Enable ignoring of usernames in hashfile (Recommended: also use --show)

Here it is, bigger, so you can read correctly :
--username                    Enable ignoring of usernames in hashfile (Recommended: also use --show)

And here, to make it more obvious :
--username                    Enable ignoring of usernames in hashfile (Recommended: also use --show)

Finally got it to accept the hashes with the usernames included - Wooooop

hashcat-cli64.exe --username a 8 -m 1000 -p : -n 8 -c 64 "C:\Users\Chris.I7\Desktop\hashes\output_clean" "C:\Users\Chris.I7\Downloads\rockyou.txt"


Then to display the hashes in format User: Hash: Plain OR Usernam: Plain

I'm using the below however i just get, this copy of hashcat will ..................... No output

hashcat-cli64.exe --username --show -m 1000 "C:\Users\Chris.I7\Desktop\hashes\output_clean"

Any ideas please,
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