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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Value of --pw-max must be smaller or equal to 32
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Hello everyone. I'm posting here because i've searched both in the wiki and in the forum, but i couldn't find a solution. Here's my problem: I'm trying to find out a sha256 hash, knowing that the original string is 64-characters long, and that contain only a "?dabcdef" (numbers 0-9, and 'a' to 'f' letters) charset. I've created, with crunch, a wordlist composed by 8-characters words (considering only with max. 2 consecutive characters), and I'd like to create a chain with 8 of this words at time, creating in this way a 64-characters word. 
Knowing this, i run on my terminal:
$ hashcat -m 1400 -a 8 -1 --pw-min=64 --pw-max=64 ?dabcdef path_to_wordlist/my_wordlist.lst path_to_hashes/my_hashes.txt 
But everytime it gives me the error: "Value of --pw-max (64) must be smaller or equal to 32".
I don't know what's the cause for the problem. I'm a newbie in this field, and probably i'm missing something due to my (very) low knowledge. I would really appreciate any kind of help.

Edit: I also tried to run command with "--elem-cnt-min=8" and "--elem-cnt-max=8", but after 2 seconds it stop.
the cause for this problem is that your password candidates may only be up to 32 bytes long.
So this means that i have no possibilities to find out a 64-characters password?
not with hashcat, correct., which tool i can use in my case?

Edit: could be princeprocessor piped to JtR a good solution to my problem?
I think OP is missing a slightly larger problem: the keyspace is HUGE!!! Now I know he's reduced it a tiny bit by omitting more than 2 consecutive characters in candidates but it's still going to be close as makes no difference to 16^64 (1.1579 X 10^77)

And not even a GPU in sight...
So, what do you suggest? I should give up and convince me that it's impossible? I know that normal people would think that, but I don't consider myself a normal person so I'd rather check if there are any other possibilities.
(12-07-2015, 02:04 AM)Bleze Wrote: [ -> ]So, what do you suggest? I should give up and convince me that it's impossible? I know that normal people would think that, but I don't consider myself a normal person

As an abnormal person, are you able to do math?
Ops, I didn't mean that I'm not normal because I have special abilities or something...I meant I'm not normal because I'm not ok with my mind. But, just to know, which math field do I need to know? As an engineering student I (think I) have some practice with math, and I can learn other stuff if necessary. I'm open to any kind of suggestion.
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