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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Mask without Case
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I've got the lower case password of a Hash. Now I want to Brute Force this hash, to get the case sensitive password. How can I do this?

lower case password: (known)            abcdefg
case sensitive password: (unknown)   aBcdeFg

How do I need to set the mask, to change the letters to brute force both upper and lower case?

Do a bit of research, it's quite (fucking) easy to find in the wiki.
(12-11-2015, 10:01 PM)Xanadrel Wrote: [ -> ]Do a bit of research, it's quite (fucking) easy to find in the wiki.

I've searched for it before, but I can't find the solution, really!

(12-11-2015, 10:17 PM)Stjubit Wrote: [ -> ]I've searched for it before, but I can't find the solution, really!

Really ?
[Image: howto_retarded_edition_1.png]

Like, for real ?

[Image: howto_retarded_edition_2.png]
