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Full Version: Error when Making statsprocessor
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I get this error message:

f14@f14-Precision-WorkStation-T7500:~$ make -f '/home/f14/Downloads/statsprocessor-master/src/sp.c' 

/home/f14/Downloads/statsprocessor-master/src/sp.c:13: *** missing separator.  Stop.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.
That's not how make works. You're telling it to use sp.c as a makefile, which clearly won't work.

What you probably want to do is:

cd /home/f14/Downloads/statsprocessor-master/src/
(12-24-2015, 08:21 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]That's not how make works. You're telling it to use sp.c as a makefile, which clearly won't work.

What you probably want to do is:

cd /home/f14/Downloads/statsprocessor-master/src/

Exactly right. Thank you very much.