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Full Version: [split] oclHashcat-plus v0.06 - md5 gpu utilization & key not found
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on 4xhd5970. less than 30 mins to run thru my 900 million wordlist dictionary

Scanned dictionary /bigwordlist.txt: 11046671766 bytes, 914133014 words, starting attack...

[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => s
Status.......: Running
Input.Mode...: File (/bigwordlist.txt)
Hash.Target..: linksys
Hash.Type....: WPA/WPA2
Time.Running.: 40 secs
Time.Left....: 26 mins, 49 secs
Time.Util....: 40155.3ms/1624.3ms Real/CPU, 4.2% idle
Speed........: 554.9k c/s Real, 567.3k c/s GPU
Recovered....: 0/1 Digests, 0/1 Salts
Progress.....: 22494860/914133014 (2.46%)
Rejected.....: 212620/22494860 (0.95%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 88% GPU, 62c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 88% GPU, 63c Temp
HW.Monitor.#3: 88% GPU, 64c Temp
HW.Monitor.#4: 88% GPU, 63c Temp
HW.Monitor.#5: 88% GPU, 64c Temp
HW.Monitor.#6: 88% GPU, 62c Temp
HW.Monitor.#7: 88% GPU, 61c Temp
HW.Monitor.#8: 88% GPU, 61c Temp

**** However, GPU shows 0% during MD5 cracking but finished the 900 million word dictionary in less than 2 mins.

root@bigpapa:~/crack/oclHashcat-plus-0.06# ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -n 160 /root/HFMD5.txt /bigwordlist.txt
oclHashcat-plus v0.06 by atom starting...

Hashes: 33
Unique digests: 33
Bitmaps: 8 bits, 256 entries, 0x000000ff mask, 1024 bytes
Rules: 1
GPU-Loops: 128
GPU-Accel: 160
Password lengths range: 1 - 15
Platform: AMD compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #2: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #3: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #4: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #5: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #6: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #7: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #8: Cypress, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 20MCU
Device #1: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)
Device #2: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #2: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)
Device #3: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #3: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)
Device #4: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #4: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)
Device #5: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #5: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)
Device #6: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #6: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)
Device #7: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #7: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)
Device #8: Allocating 481MB host-memory
Device #8: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a0.Cypress.64.kernel (1129004 bytes)

Scanned dictionary /bigwordlist.txt: 11046671766 bytes, 914133333 words, starting attack...

Status.......: Exhausted
Input.Mode...: File (/bigwordlist.txt)
Hash.Type....: MD5
Time.Running.: 1 min, 28 secs
Time.Left....: 0 secs
Time.Util....: 88389.8ms/81713.4ms Real/CPU, 1223.9% idle
Speed........: 9634.5k c/s Real, 69855.0k c/s GPU
Recovered....: 0/33 Digests, 0/1 Salts
Progress.....: 914133333/914133333 (100.00%)
Rejected.....: 62543779/914133333 (6.84%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 0% GPU, 53c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 0% GPU, 54c Temp
HW.Monitor.#3: 0% GPU, 55c Temp
HW.Monitor.#4: 0% GPU, 54c Temp
HW.Monitor.#5: 0% GPU, 56c Temp
HW.Monitor.#6: 0% GPU, 53c Temp
HW.Monitor.#7: 0% GPU, 53c Temp
HW.Monitor.#8: 0% GPU, 53c Temp

have a problem. password wasn't found. i know the password because it is my wifi and i've cracked it before with pyrit. anyone else having this problem as me?

root@bigpapa:~/crack/oclHashcat-plus-0.06# ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 2500 -n 80 /root/wifi/Verizon\ MiFi2200\ 35CF\ Secure.hccap /mifi-wordlist.txt
oclHashcat-plus v0.06 by atom starting...

Status.......: Exhausted
Input.Mode...: File (/media/New Volume/mifi-wordlist.txt)
Hash.Target..: Verizon MiFi2200 35CF Secure
Hash.Type....: WPA/WPA2
Time.Running.: 2 mins, 49 secs
Time.Left....: 0 secs
Time.Util....: 169818.4ms/4745.1ms Real/CPU, 2.9% idle
Speed........: 588.9k c/s Real, 427.8k c/s GPU
Recovered....: 0/1 Digests, 0/1 Salts
Progress.....: 100000003/100000003 (100.00%)
Rejected.....: 3/100000003 (0.00%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 84% GPU, 81c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 83% GPU, 83c Temp
HW.Monitor.#3: 83% GPU, 86c Temp
HW.Monitor.#4: 84% GPU, 84c Temp
HW.Monitor.#5: 83% GPU, 87c Temp
HW.Monitor.#6: 83% GPU, 83c Temp
HW.Monitor.#7: 83% GPU, 76c Temp
HW.Monitor.#8: 83% GPU, 77c Temp

here's a comparison using pyrit, which cracked it in about 25 secs.

root@bigpapa:~# pyrit -r wifi/Verizon\ MiFi2200\ 35CF\ Secure.cap -i /mifi-wordlist.txt attack_passthrough

Pyrit 0.4.1-dev (svn r308) (C) 2008-2011 Lukas Lueg
This code is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3+

Parsing file 'wifi/Verizon MiFi2200 35CF Secure.cap' (1/1)...
Parsed 13 packets (13 802.11-packets), got 8 AP(s)

Picked AccessPoint ('Verizon MiFi2200 35CF Secure') automatically.
Tried 3960198 PMKs so far; 169726 PMKs per second.

The password is '091xxxxxxx'.
Quote:on 4xhd5970. less than 30 mins to run thru my 900 million wordlist dictionary

Scanned dictionary /bigwordlist.txt: 11046671766 bytes, 914133014 words, starting attack...

Speed........: 554.9k c/s Real, 567.3k c/s GPU

you can achieve even more if you add --gpu-loops 4096

Quote:**** However, GPU shows 0% during MD5 cracking but finished the 900 million word dictionary in less than 2 mins.

thats correct. md5 is to easy to crack. gpu's are indeed idling waiting for host sending new wordlist data Smile you can workaround using rules

Quote:have a problem. password wasn't found. i know the password because it is my wifi and i've cracked it before with pyrit. anyone else having this problem as me?

this is usually because not using wpaclean before converting. please upload the cap somewhere and give me the url and the pw. if neccessary in PM.

PM me your email. i'll send .cap and password

-n 80 --gpu-loops 4096

Speed........: 605.4k c/s Real, 623.8k c/s GPU

hashcat > all
see PM
ok got the files, much thanks. it is actually a bug. the bug occours if the length of the essid is >= 28. it will be fixed in the next version, or if you need i can give you access to beta section.
that would be great if I can get access to beta code. thanks, Atom
OK, come to IRC please and /msg me