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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Newbie Question
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Hey, I used to use hashcat to decrypt md5 hashes however I stopped a few months ago (07-26-2015) and now I've forgotten what the commands were. I tried to google my issue however I couldn't find an exact answer or solution.

heres the error, my hashes looks like this:


the lenght of the hashes are 
Your string is 40 characters long.

so I guess I'm using wrong method? Aren't these md5?

made the last 6 chars xxxxxx as i think Its not allowed to put a hash here :S

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 0 -m 0 -o cracked.txt outfile-format=2 hashes.txt wordlist.txt
This is not a real hashcat question, know your shit.
Hey sir. I'm not trolling around or trying to be rude but I really don't know how to fix this as I didn't have this before, can it be because of my hashes? Can you at least give me a hint :/
Here is a hint: not every hex string is a md5 hash, there are many different algorithms.
If you're not a lame skiddie you should know what your hashes are.