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hashcat Forum

Full Version: How about MSCHAP/MSCHAPv2?
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I'm new user of hashcat. This software is very excellent! I love it so much!
Does hashcat support MSCHAP? As is known to all, MSCHAP/MSCHAPv2 is widely used on the internet, such as PPTP VPN, etc.. I searched wiki for many times, but I cannot find MSCHAP support. 
Is there any way to crack MSCHAP/MSCHAPv2 using hashcat?

If my question is not suitable in this part of the forum, I will delete it with my apology.

(01-18-2016, 06:04 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Mmm, Windows is not my strong suit, but MSCHAP is the same as NetNTLM, is it not?

Thanks to epixoip! MSCHAP can be cracked by hashcat. But how can I crack MSCHAPv2?

I found a way to crack MSCHAPv2!
We can get AuthenticatorChallenge, PeerChallenge and Username, so the "8-octet Challenge" can be calculated. After that, MSCHAPv2 can be cracked in the same way of MSCHAP!
Mmm, Windows is not my strong suit, but MSCHAP is the same as NetNTLM, is it not?
(01-18-2016, 06:04 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Mmm, Windows is not my strong suit, but MSCHAP is the same as NetNTLM, is it not?

Thanks a lot! I've tried MSCHAP using hash type 5500 (NetNTLMv1). It did work!
(01-18-2016, 06:04 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Mmm, Windows is not my strong suit, but MSCHAP is the same as NetNTLM, is it not?

Well, MSCHAP can be cracked by hash type 5500 (NetNTLMv1). It's very good.
However, I think MSCHAPv2 is different from NetNTLMv2. I carefully read the example_hashes, the NetNTLMv2's format mismatches the MSCHAPv2. So, how can I use hashcat to crack MSCHAPv2?

Thank you very much!
Can you not re-arrange the output of whatever program you're using to match oclHashcat's expected input format? There's already a thread about this at
(01-18-2016, 07:03 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Can you not re-arrange the output of whatever program you're using to match oclHashcat's expected input format? There's already a thread about this at

I found a way to crack MSCHAPv2!

We can get AuthenticatorChallenge, PeerChallenge and Username, so the "8-octet Challenge" can be calculated. After that, MSCHAPv2 can be cracked in the same way of MSCHAP!