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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Error while running oclHashcat with ssh
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Is there a fix for this error message?

Generating bitmap tables with 16 bits...Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key

ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1          

I tried running oclHashcat64.bin and got the above error message.  Is this related to X forwarding?

The way I have been correcting this is restarting my Linux machine, logging in, and then reconnecting via ssh.  It will run for a while, but sometimes I get random crashes and then can't restart oclHashcat due to the above error message.

It appears to be related to permissions on/to the X server.  If I delete ~/.Xauthority, then I will get a different error message.

Any troubleshooting steps are appreciated.

Definitely related to X, sounds like something is seriously misconfigured. The article at is a bit outdated, but should contain enough clues to help you out.
(01-18-2016, 10:08 PM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Definitely related to X, sounds like something is seriously misconfigured. The article at is a bit outdated, but should contain enough clues to help you out.

I am actually running Ubuntu 14.04. I have no idea how you just read my mind over the internet, but wow, thanks. I will keep testing in the screen app (man screen) and see if that works as well.

I am already up and running with some of the settings that are recommended in the link that you shared. Much obliged.