Many params easy to understand, but i can`t understand how i can interpretate params cudaHashcat:
SPEED (two numbers)
The full format (that was also mentioned on the now offline trac ticketing system) is:
STATUS: current state of oclHashcat (init, starting, bypass, running, paused, (everything) cracked, exhausted, stop at next checkpoint, aborted, quit)
SPEED: for each device: current number of password candidates, time in milli seconds (speed = (number of candidates / time[ms] * 1000) in hashes/second)
CURKU: current keyspace unit (this is actually the same as the "last restore point")
PROGRESS: relative progress: current word, word limit (percentage of progress can be calculated by dividing the 2 numbers)
RECHASH: recovered hashes, total number of hashes
RECSALT: recovered salts, total number of salts
TEMP: for each device: temperature in degrees celsius
Hope this helps. we should probably add it to the wiki too as "Status automat format"