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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Error cuModuleLoad() 301
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Hello, I am trying to run oclHashcat on my Windows 10 PC. I have two Nvidia 770s that I would like to run some hashes through quickly but I keep getting cuModuleLoad() 301 whenever I try to run cudaHashcat64 -b. I have the latest Nvidia driver (361.91). I installed it by downloading the latest file off of the website and extracted it to a directory on my spare drive. I then updated my system PATH for the directory. How can I get this working?
Either you did not extract the archive properly, or you are not in the cudaHashcat directory. I assume it's the latter since you said you added it to your PATH, that will not work.
(02-16-2016, 03:38 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]Either you did not extract the archive properly, or you are not in the cudaHashcat directory. I assume it's the latter since you said you added it to your PATH, that will not work.

Ahh perfect, thank you!