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hashcat Forum

Full Version: PDF cracking only in oclhashcat?
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New to the forums, but I did a basic search and couldn't find anything. is Cracking pdf hashes only available in oclhashcat (and therefore not something that can be done on the mac)?

(02-17-2016, 02:15 AM)staze Wrote: [ -> ]not something that can be done on the mac

Search harder Smile
!!! Holy crap, thank you! Sorry, I didn't even think to look for a beta since searching for "oclhashcat mac" just turned up threads saying "Apple doesn't release cross compiler" so I stopped looking...


Hot damn, thank you. Got my 2012 Mac Pro going... 4 hours to exhaust entire MD4 hash space on a PDF. Way better than pdfcrack!

(02-17-2016, 02:33 AM)staze Wrote: [ -> ]!!! Holy crap, thank you! Sorry, I didn't even think to look for a beta since searching for "oclhashcat mac" just turned up threads saying "Apple doesn't release cross compiler" so I stopped looking...


Hot damn, thank you. Got my 2012 Mac Pro going... 4 hours to exhaust entire MD4 hash space on a PDF. Way better than pdfcrack!

Staze, what kind of Mac hardware are you using to crack?
(02-25-2016, 12:11 AM)Arch Stanton Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-17-2016, 02:33 AM)staze Wrote: [ -> ]!!! Holy crap, thank you! Sorry, I didn't even think to look for a beta since searching for "oclhashcat mac" just turned up threads saying "Apple doesn't release cross compiler" so I stopped looking...


Hot damn, thank you. Got my 2012 Mac Pro going... 4 hours to exhaust entire MD4 hash space on a PDF. Way better than pdfcrack!

Staze, what kind of Mac hardware are you using to crack?

Sorry, a Mac Pro 2013, 3Ghz 8-Core Xeon E5, 32GB of RAM, dual D700's. So, you know, a $7k machine. =P I should try on an old 2007 Mac Pro with 8 cores and a ATI 5870 card in it, just to compare.
Thanks, I was mainly interested in the GPUs. Would also be interested to see the scores on the '07 box. There's a recent Apple hardware benchmark thread too, in case you haven't stumbled across it.

(02-25-2016, 12:44 AM)Arch Stanton Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, I was mainly interested in the GPUs.  Would also be interested to see the scores on the '07 box.  There's a recent Apple hardware benchmark thread too, in case you haven't stumbled across it.


Cool. Just posted to that thread with my Benchmark results.