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hashcat Forum

Full Version: oclhashcat without a monitor
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hi to all
is it possible to run the oclhashcat without plugin a monitor.
I have tried oclhashcat with --benchmark and it was okey when monitor is plugged.
But when we move the PC to server room without a monitor plugged (even no kvm)  oclhashat give me the following error when I connect with ssh -x ipadddress

ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1

Is there any solution for this?
Any idea?

Certainly is possible, but you need to tell us a lot more about your setup before we can tell you what you're doing wrong.
it is ubuntu 15.10 with AMD Radeon Hawaii XT (Radeon XT 290X)
I have installed vendors driver.
It works well when using with monitor.
But without using monitor and connecting to server with ssh it gives me ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1 error

I hope it is clear...
You need to have an X server running, the user needs to have Xauth and/or ACLs need to be disabled, and the proper environment variable needs to be exported. Have a look at the wiki article on the topic, it's a bit outdated but has all of the relevant bits you need in there.