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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Lotus/Domino 6 mask
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Hi All,

I'm trying to crack some Lotus notes 6 hashes (-m 8700) but I'm not quite sure what mask I should be using. Is it the same as Domino 8? (-m 9100):
-a 3 ha?l?l?l?l?l

I've tried this and I haven't had any luck. Maybe some other issue?

They're discussing the topic here but I couldn't quite figure it out for myself:

Since that thread is super old I figured I'd make a new post about it

Thanks for the help!
Mmm, I think you're a bit confused. The mask is not at all driven by the hash algorithm (well, for the most part, a few exceptions), but rather by what you believe the plaintext value might be. The mask you've pasted here searches "haaaaaa" - "hazzzzz", so is obviously for cracking the example plaintext "hashcat". It has nothing to do with it being -m 9100 or -m 8700, etc.