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hashcat Forum

Full Version: benchmark list?
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Is it available?
I'm wondering if we could setup a database with the gpu's so people can see how good a videocard chipset handles ..

we could make a .bat / .cmd /.sh file to run a script of hashcat with a example hash and a example dictionary.

the more specific question is .. how much c/s can a 5850 or 6950 do compared to a 4850 (which handles about 17000 c/s) when cracking wpa hashes

There is no such comparisation chart. All we have is the chart on itself.

These old hd4xxx are very bad since they do not fully support fast memory access in OpenCL. CAL based crackers are faster for hd4xxx.

between a 6950 (1408 shaders @800Mhz) and 5870 (1600 shaders @850Mhz) what should i choose?
the math tells me i should point the older 5870 as a winner..
5870 you have to compare with 6970 not 6950. Anyway, 5870 and 5970 goes better on same clocks than 6970 and 6990.
the price of 5870 is equal to the price of 6950 this was the only reason i was comparing them
do you know how many c/s does each provide?
the 5870 is around 80k/s, 6950 around 70k/s
5870 @ 850Mhz ~ 89500 c/s
5870 @ 940 ~ 98700 c/s

compared to Elcomsoft's software that only does 67k c/s using all the cores at 100% of my I2500k@4GHz

Atom, you should charge money for this software!
(10-01-2011, 01:30 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]the 5870 is around 80k/s, 6950 around 70k/s

I wish I had known that before I bought a 6950 Sad

Is there a ranked list of preference for price/performance somewhere?

or multiply the number of the shaders with the shader frequency (different from the gpu frequency for Nvidia cards) and compare cards, it should give a very good indicator
(10-06-2011, 09:08 AM)fast_checkmate Wrote: [ -> ]multiply the number of the shaders with the shader frequency (different from the gpu frequency for Nvidia cards) and compare cards, it should give a very good indicator

That makes perfect sense, thanks!