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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Multi rules understanding
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I want to create my own rule sets, but i can't understand what exactly "Each rule of each rule-file is combined with each rule of each rule-file" means. For example if I have 3 rule sets with power 4, 3, 2 respectively, then the amount of rules will be 4*3 + 4*2 +3*2 = 26. Is it true? Do the separate(single) rule files participate in calcuation - or we use just unions of several rules? The problem in my alghoritm is according to the source code the kernel_rules_cnt equals to 4*3*2=24 (not 26!) I didn't discover carefully what exactly the code did, because it was too complicated.
Can anybody help me? Thank you
I suggest you play with hashcat and --stdout switch with small rule files to see what it exactly does and learn by yourself.
It's strange to me that you are looking for answers in the code first, instead of simply observing the behavior of the program.