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hashcat Forum

Full Version: 2 Servers, 1 at 50% hash rate
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Hey folks,

I have 2 servers running oclHashCat, both are identical and I thought I set them up identically. When I run oclhashcat in benchmark mode both machines seem to see both devices (each server has 2 x R9 270x's), but one only hashes at half the rate, as if only one card is actually being utilized:

box1 $ ~/oclHashcat-2.01/oclHashcat64.bin -b -m 1800
oclHashcat v2.01 starting in benchmark-mode...

Device #1: Pitcairn, 1983MB, 1150Mhz, 20MCU
Device #2: Pitcairn, 1975MB, 1150Mhz, 20MCU

Hashtype: sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix)
Workload: 1024 loops, 8 accel

Speed.GPU.#1.:    18075 H/s
Speed.GPU.#2.:    18018 H/s
Speed.GPU.#*.:    36093 H/s

box2 $ ~/oclHashcat-2.01/oclHashcat64.bin -b -m 1800
oclHashcat v2.01 starting in benchmark-mode...

Device #1: Pitcairn, 1869MB, 1150Mhz, 20MCU
Device #2: Pitcairn, 1870MB, 1150Mhz, 20MCU

Hashtype: sha512crypt, SHA512(Unix)
Workload: 1024 loops, 8 accel

Speed.GPU.#1.:    35167 H/s
Speed.GPU.#2.:    35174 H/s
Speed.GPU.#*.:    70341 H/s

Any thoughts on how to investigate why box1 is hashing so much slower then box2? I thought I installed them both identically, pretty much to the letter of the linux server howto:

Many thanks, let me know what other info I might provide.
Double check xorg.conf