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hashcat Forum

Full Version: --show doesnt work
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Hello everyone Smile

The status is "cracked" as expected but --show doesnt work.

I saw another thread for it saying that if you are in windows you need to download gawk and run another command but i have no idea what to do after downloading and installing gawk. The command given doesnt work.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
--show works fine, your command is likely incorrect. Maybe post your command so we can see what you're doing wrong.

Also see
I've got a feeling it looks something like this:

c:\Users\z3r0c00l\hakzor_tools\heshkat\hc64.exe -m 0 "that hot girls facebook password" -w 9 -c 1 "315 gig L33T WERDL15T.dank" --username --show --outfile="l33t.txt" --outfile-format=15
literally lol'd at .dank
Sorry i just started using this whole system so im pretty new. I read all the faq and some of the wiki and used google before i came here  Tongue

Anyway the command I use is "cudahashcat64.exe --show"

And i get "usage: ..." which seems to indicate that im running the command incorrectly.

I have to say I'm amazed by how fast you replied Tongue

Also i notice that no file is created ( or written if i manually create it ) on the hashcat directory after using -o blah.txt.

Here's the command i used in case its incorrect too:

cudaHashcat64.exe -m 2500 -a 3 --increment-min 9 network.hccap -i ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d -o cracked.txt

EDIT: Ok from the link you posted it seems like i had to give the hash file.
now i used: "cudahashcat64.exe --show network.hccap"
and i get:
WARNING: Hashfile 'network.hccap' in line 1 (network): Line-length exception
WARNING: Hashfile 'network.hccap' in line 2 (): Line-length exception
you also need to specify the hash type. How else should cudaHashcat/oclHashcat know what type of hashes it should load?
(btw: all this info is mentioned on the wiki page that epixoip linked)
That made it work:

cudahashcat64.exe -m 2500 --show -o cracked.txt network.hccap

Thanks for all the help and the amazing program you created Smile