03-27-2016, 01:23 PM
I am trying to crack scrypt digests. I am creating my own digests using the python library pyscrypt for that.
the python script:
b64encode(pyscrypt.hash(password="hashcat", salt="salt", N=1024,r=1,p=1,dkLen=32))
which gives:
my cudaHashcat command on my windows machine is:
cudaHashcat64.exe -m8900 SCRYPT:1024:1:1:salt:oDLxfd3z2gOBjdQMAy9M+uSzGiLwOlNwmSgLSihkgm8= rockyou.t
the crack is exhausted even though I have added 'hashcat' to the rockyou.txt dictionary
P.S. I was able to successfully crack the SCRYPT example shown on the hashcat hash examples page
Could some one please tell me why my digest don't crack
I am trying to crack scrypt digests. I am creating my own digests using the python library pyscrypt for that.
the python script:
b64encode(pyscrypt.hash(password="hashcat", salt="salt", N=1024,r=1,p=1,dkLen=32))
which gives:
my cudaHashcat command on my windows machine is:
cudaHashcat64.exe -m8900 SCRYPT:1024:1:1:salt:oDLxfd3z2gOBjdQMAy9M+uSzGiLwOlNwmSgLSihkgm8= rockyou.t
the crack is exhausted even though I have added 'hashcat' to the rockyou.txt dictionary
P.S. I was able to successfully crack the SCRYPT example shown on the hashcat hash examples page
Could some one please tell me why my digest don't crack