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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Question on hardware lifespan
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Hey guys,
I was wondering how long is the average lifespan of your cards... I'm building a computer from scratch and I'm thinking about purchasing a single GTX 970 to try my hand at password cracking. Now, this is a really amateur setup, but I don't plan on cracking passwords 24/7 for a year, this is not the main purpose of this box. It will be, however, one of the main purposes for the graphics card, as I rarely game... So I was wondering if the card is stuck with an hash for a couple of months, how long can I expect the card to withstand the abuse? I'm planning on a fairly decent air cooling setup and I'll be closely monitoring the temperatures...

If you choose the right GPU and follow all the advice we've provided here in the Hardware forum over the years, your card should last a good long while.
(04-13-2016, 04:49 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]If you choose the right GPU and follow all the advice we've provided here in the Hardware forum over the years, your card should last a good long while.
Care to link a few of those threads? I couldn't find anything related in stickies...
(04-13-2016, 08:46 PM)Xanadrel Wrote: [ -> ]Here:

Thanks Wink