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Full Version: oclHashcat FPGA support
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Hello everyone:

Sorry about my poor english, this is my first post

I am an undergraduate student, recently my professor ask me to decrypt md5crypt, I found that oclHashcat is a good choose, My hardware is Tesla M2090, Xeon E5-2670, and it works well with oclHashcat, it can reach about 930kH/s

But my professor ask me to decrypt on a FPGA board, he thinks it will be much faster, so I asked some teachers who are majored in FPGA for help, they told me that they think it's very hard, First of all, find a useful FPGA is a big problem, but they are not familiar with decryption.

Here are my questions.
1. Is FPGA really much faster than GPU? my professor only cares about speed
2. If FPGA is faster, can oclHashcat run on an FPGA? or I need to decrypt from scratch ? I know that oclHashcat-3.0 support OpenCL devices, but I don't know what it means, can it work with FPGA well ?
3. If FPGA is faster, any suggest FPGA boards that works well with oclHashcat? ex: PCIe, large memory... i am not sure about what feature oclHashcat needs?

1. I think the FPGA is much slower than GPU, especially after NVidias maxwell chipset and the 16nm shrink with the 10xx series. You should be able to do a compairson on the following number: 1 raw md5 (not reversed) 12000MH/s on a GTX1080 which costs $600 and draws ~180W. You need 1000 raw md5 to compute 1 md5crypt
2. not requires since 1) is false
3. not requires since 1) is false
Looking at the performance of various FPGA boards a GPU is probably faster. With custom asics this might look different.

Please stop talking about "decryption" in the context of hashes.
The algorithms can be pipelined on FPGA are very fast, such as DES. This kind of crack is much faster than GPU.

However, if a alogorithm can not be pipelined, such as SHA, its speed is much slower than GPU.

I think, so far, hashcat cannot run on FPGA, because FPGA is not like general purpose devices. If you want FPGA help you do something, you must use the tools/SDK provided by Xilinx or Altera to write your own Verilog programs. FPGA's flexibility is very very bad! FPGA development period is very very long!

Recently, Xilinx claims that there is a new tool named SDAccel, and says SDAccel can help people run OpenCL on FPGA. But, it's still shit!

Don't use FPGA for crack! Except you have lots of time and lots of money!
This is all moot because the state of OpenCL on FPGA is abysmal, but even if it wasn't, the cost of an FPGA board suited to hash cracking is astronomical.
(06-27-2016, 01:19 PM)geniustanley Wrote: [ -> ]Hello everyone:

Sorry about my poor english, this is my first post

I am an undergraduate student, recently my professor ask me to decrypt md5crypt, I found that oclHashcat is a good choose, My hardware is Tesla M2090, Xeon E5-2670, and it works well with oclHashcat, it can reach about 930kH/s

But my professor ask me to decrypt on a FPGA board, he thinks it will be much faster, so I asked some teachers who are majored in FPGA for help, they told me that they think it's very hard, First of all, find a useful FPGA is a big problem, but they are not familiar with decryption.

Here are my questions.
1. Is FPGA really much faster than GPU? my professor only cares about speed
2. If FPGA is faster, can oclHashcat run on an FPGA? or I need to decrypt from scratch ? I know that oclHashcat-3.0 support OpenCL devices, but I don't know what it means, can it work with FPGA well ?
3. If FPGA is faster, any suggest FPGA boards that works well with oclHashcat? ex: PCIe, large memory... i am not sure about what feature oclHashcat needs?


their a german company are doing some cracking with FPGA

ur welcom
(06-28-2016, 04:35 PM)kiara Wrote: [ -> ]their a german company are doing some cracking with FPGA

ur welcom

Due to the mechanism of AES and DES, this two encrypt method can be easily realized pipelines on FPGA. So the speed is really fast.

Do they realize SHA like algorithms?