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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Any need for dummy plugs
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Greetings all! I have been away from any type of cracking for a long time. I did some BitCoin mining for a bit though. 

Anyhow, my current rig only has a single GTX 980 in it. I am upgrading it to 3 GTX 1070s which are on the way. 

So my question is regarding running my system headless. In my mining days, you had to plug a dvi dummy plug into each video card in order for the OS to recognize it if no monitor was plugged in. Maybe this behavior was also because I was running the OS on the integrated graphics and using my GPUs for the hashing. 

Are these plugs needed for headless setup? From what I have read and seen, I believe the answer is no but wanted to confirm in case I needed to order more plugs to arrive when my cards arrive. 

I also noticed HC3.0 supports a new headless profile but I assumed this was just a performance profile which bumps up GPU usage if you are running headless and don't need any cycles for a GUI.
Quote:Are these plugs needed for headless setup?

Not sure about Windows, but for sure not on Linux.

Quote:I also noticed HC3.0 supports a new headless profile but I assumed this was just a performance profile which bumps up GPU usage if you are running headless and don't need any cycles for a GUI.

Thank you very much for your quick response and questions. Looks like my 1070s will arrive tonight so I am very excited to get back into this world.