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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Do the tools all still apply to hashcat3?
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I'm trying to understand rules, masks etc - I think I do (mostly!).  The (older) pages that talk about maskprocessor and other utils like combinator.bin ( - do these all still make sense with hashcat3?  The reason I ask is hashcat seems to have the ability to do much of what (e.g.) maskprocessor does in terms of word generation.  Well, the masks and settings seem the same.

I read a post earlier which talked about a combination approach required, with a dict paired with the same dict, plus capitalization and digits and the reply was to use combinator and pipe to stdin. (  What's a bit confusing to the noob like me is, hashcat seems to be able to do the combinator bit itself (e..g hc -m 0 -a 1 dict.txt dict.txt --stdout) so ... why do I use combinator.bin?

Also .. a question on rules.  If I want to take a wordlist, add 00-99, and 1900-1999 to the end of every word, I though I might be able to use a rule set like


I now know that's not possible (the d means something else... I get it).  Someone else replied earlier you have to have a rule for each year you want to add like 00, 01, 02.

Can someone confirm this is all correct?  I might have thought adding years and digits like with the mask option would be a really common requirement. Or is it that rules are just as efficient?
We need to update some of the wiki pages for hashcat, that's right. Some of them make no sense in the shed of hashcat v3.00, but they will still work.
I would suggest you go for a hybrid instead. -6 (dict + mask).
And then specify the mask ?d?d in your first case, and then 19?d?d in your second case.

If you use the combinator and redirect stdout to HC's stdin, you'll have the possibility to apply rules. A feature that is often overlooked.
(07-11-2016, 11:01 PM)bigblacknose Wrote: [ -> ]I would suggest you go for a hybrid instead. -6 (dict + mask).
And then specify the mask ?d?d in your first case, and then 19?d?d in your second case.

If you use the combinator and redirect stdout to HC's stdin, you'll have the possibility to apply rules. A feature that is often overlooked.

Thanks - both of those work just fine.  I ended up using a bunch of rules against the stdin fed by combinator as that was easier than having multiple instances of HC. The rules provided in the "rules" folder are huge!