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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Rules: Order of Operation
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Hi All,

I have not been able to find solid documentation on the order of operation for rules.

For example:

password + rule: $1$2$3 = password123, implying that the append is evaluated left to right.

Suppose the following statement hypothetical proof of concept rule...

l $9$9 ss5 s98 c

Does this also evaluate left to right resulting in the following?

l $9$9 ss5 s98 c + PASSWORD = Pa55word88

1. PASSWORD + l -> password
2. + $9$9 -> password99
3. + ss5 -> pa55word99
4. + s98 -> pa55word88
5. + c -> Pa55word88

Any light you could shed on this would be incredibly helpful. Many thanks.
Yes rules are processed from left to right.
If you are unsure or want to test your rules use the --stdout option.

$ cat rule
l $9$9 ss5 s98 c
$ cat word
$ ./hashcat64.bin --stdout -r rule word
(07-10-2016, 10:13 AM)hops Wrote: [ -> ]Yes rules are processed from left to right.
If you are unsure or want to test your rules use the --stdout option.

$ cat rule
l $9$9 ss5 s98 c
$ cat word
$ ./hashcat64.bin --stdout -r rule word

Thanks so much, hops. This is a really useful command as I evaluate rules moving forward. Much appreciated.
Don't forget the debugging options you can use to output successful rules (and optionally the original and processed words too):

    --debug-mode              | Num  | Defines the debug mode (hybrid only by using rules)  | --debug-mode=4
    --debug-file              | File | Output file for debugging rules                      | --debug-file=good.log

- [ Rule Debugging Modes ] -

  # | Format
  1 | Finding-Rule
  2 | Original-Word
  3 | Original-Word:Finding-Rule
  4 | Original-Word:Finding-Rule:Processed-Word