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(07-19-2016, 12:29 PM)neo79 Wrote: [ -> ]was close its 131.5 GB, Just another 8 to do, even this is time consuming, its not as ifI have a slow machine either.

Why are you using a very big dic? Can't you just do a brute force attack?

hashcat -w 3 -m 2500 -a 3 out.hccap.hccap ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a
Just learning and not sure how to use it plus, going of the rules for virgin routers they only use lower case a-z and don't have the same letter in the password, So I had to create a password list that wouldn't have the same letters in sequential order to help reduce the dic size.

If I knew how I would of generated a list where no letter is repeated in a 8 digit password.
(07-19-2016, 04:15 PM)neo79 Wrote: [ -> ]Just learning and not sure how to use it plus, going of the rules for virgin routers they only use lower case a-z and don't have the same letter in the password, So I had to create a password list that wouldn't have the same letters in sequential order to help reduce the dic size.

If I knew how I would of generated a list where no letter is repeated in a 8 digit password.

Use ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l. This will try all lower case letters and will be much faster than using a very large dic.

hashcat -w 3 -m 2500 -a 3 out.hccap.hccap ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l
ok so i tried that and it said 21 days,my dic file only said 6 to 7 days, if I go straight to my command shell first.
If I use firefox first it says 11 days. But that was on my 1TB file.
What would be the command line so I could generate an 8 digit word with none repeating characters lower case such as :

an example of a virgin router password would be something like

if my research was wrong id have to go the long way straight 8 letters a-z.
But it should work, fingers crossed.
Seems VM routers DO ALLOW repeated characters:
Password in the screenshot includes "cc". More importantly, the letters i and o are not used apparently which reduces the keyspace from 26^8 to 24^8

Try this instead, should be almost twice as fast:
hashcat -w 3 -m 2500 -a 3 --markov-disable out.hccap -1 abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
ok cool, Ill try this then even with educed password files it still starts from scratch every now and again.
Ill see how this works, instead, I think a 135GB file is still too big, either that or its becaause im using a removable hd and it must register to a diffrent addres every timre i plug it in.

Yes, that's the reason. The dictstat does not work with removeable drives. Anyway you shouldn't use files. If you want to skip repeating character you can use maskprocessor and pipe it to hashcat via stdin. This way you can save the files.
ok thanks will see how thing go with the current command I was given,it is about the same as my file 7 days.
Just wondering the command I was given, does the a-1 combination command, does this mean instead of starting from aaaaaaaa, aaaaaaab it goes to something like asertdgs but still uses every possible combination from aaaaaaaa to zzzzzzzz, removing then i and o.

Not sure what mat lock disabled does, can you give me an example with and without please.
in a format such as aaaaaaa, aaaaaaab

Thanks for your help guys with this amazing program.
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