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hashcat Forum

Full Version: min PCIE speed
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one get a motherboard with 7 pcie slots, now not all slots are x16 or can support dual slot cards.
I know one can get x1-x16 slots but out off all the algorithms hashcat can do what is the min pcie speed to maximise gpu performance regardless what you are trying to crack?
u can put the cards on x8 x4 x2 x1 it dosnt matter. u can also use pci risers , the problem with those is if u trying to load big wordlist. they have a buttleneck..
(09-23-2016, 01:56 PM)kiara Wrote: [ -> ]u can put the cards on x8 x4 x2 x1 it dosnt matter. u can also use pci risers , the problem with those is if u trying to load big wordlist. they have a buttleneck..

That I know, I am asking at what min speed pcie would be best to avoid this bottleneck?
right now I am thinking 4x, 1x should do most but then ou run into the bottleneck issue