10-31-2011, 06:13 PM
I was testing the latest release of the latest GUI (v0.4.5) to try and crack some Joomla hashes with the 32 byte salt appended (MD5($pass,$salt)). I noticed that the GUI creates the command "--hash-mode 1" when it needs "--hash-type=1". The result is that the GUI fires up CMD/Terminal and states "unkown option --hash-mode". However, if you ditch the GUI and drop to command line and run from oclhashcat-plus folder within GUI folder with the slight modification to change to --hash-type=1 it seems to work fine (cracked 1 out of 10 so far). I know there was some talk about needing to use the older version of oclhashcat-plus to work right, so not sure if this is really boken or not or if my fix is a "real" fix or not, but thought I would share in case others have noticed or run into this issue...