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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Error in command generation for MD5($pass,$salt) in latest GUI release?
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I was testing the latest release of the latest GUI (v0.4.5) to try and crack some Joomla hashes with the 32 byte salt appended (MD5($pass,$salt)). I noticed that the GUI creates the command "--hash-mode 1" when it needs "--hash-type=1". The result is that the GUI fires up CMD/Terminal and states "unkown option --hash-mode". However, if you ditch the GUI and drop to command line and run from oclhashcat-plus folder within GUI folder with the slight modification to change to --hash-type=1 it seems to work fine (cracked 1 out of 10 so far). I know there was some talk about needing to use the older version of oclhashcat-plus to work right, so not sure if this is really boken or not or if my fix is a "real" fix or not, but thought I would share in case others have noticed or run into this issue...

it took me a while to figure out the problem (as you said you ran the command from the oclHashcat-plus folder, but the command generated for oclHashcat-plus is correct), but what indeed is broken is if you do this with oclHashcat/cudaHashcat (and not -plus).

This is a very silly mistake, I will put out an updated release tomorrow which fixes that.
My mistake, glad you were able to figure it out despite my poor description. Even happier to hear that it is a relatively simple fix! Look forward to the next update...
New update is working like a charm, thanks for the quick fix guys!