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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Keyspace List for WPA on Default Routers
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(07-06-2017, 10:50 PM)fart-box Wrote: [ -> ]I agree about the 'l'. It seems to be too seldom used.

I've been trying to convert those magic numbers your code generates into some form of seed to build a proper pass phrase but I've had no luck.

I wonder how soxrok2212 is doing with his firmware extraction...?

I got caught up in work, sorry. Was also trying to figure out which of the two possible points of interest may be UART but I ran out of time, don't have a day off until next week but I'll try to figure it out in any spare time
Alpha version of the keygen for NVG589:

def pwgen589(x):
  for n in range(0,6):
   pw=pw_charset[x%37] + pw
   pw=chr(50+(x%8)) + pw
  return pw



>>> pwgen589(0x57c5d9ab)


As before, 'x' is integer 0 to 0x7FFFFFFF (2 billion options). I'm not yet clear how (or if) 'x' relates to other device attributes.

This only works about 70% of the time because of the rounding during the float multiplication step. The magic number is approximately equal to 1e18/2^31 + 111/2^9 + 2923/2^25 (not certain about the last term.) Depending on the order of operations, sometimes the result ends up slightly off.
(07-09-2017, 10:40 AM)mrfancypants Wrote: [ -> ]Alpha version of the keygen for NVG589:

def pwgen589(x):
  for n in range(0,6):
   pw=pw_charset[x%37] + pw
   pw=chr(50+(x%8)) + pw
  return pw



>>> pwgen589(0x57c5d9ab)


As before, 'x' is integer 0 to 0x7FFFFFFF (2 billion options). I'm not yet clear how (or if) 'x' relates to other device attributes.

This only works about 70% of the time because of the rounding during the float multiplication step. The magic number is approximately equal to 1e18/2^31 + 111/2^9 + 2923/2^25 (not certain about the last term.) Depending on the order of operations, sometimes the result ends up slightly off.

I will modify this code a bit and see if a friend of mine can use his 2.6MH/s and see if it works on my 589.
Give me the first 8 letters of the key from your 589.
That's a 599-type password (my previous code snippet) (some 589s have these) and the complete password should be b=+#gc5qr9gt
(07-10-2017, 02:37 AM)mrfancypants Wrote: [ -> ]That's a 599-type password (my previous code snippet) (some 589s have these) and the complete password should be b=+#gc5qr9gt

You are correct sir! Fantastic work! I know absolutely no C but from my understanding, if there are only 2.1 billion possibilities, then a full bruteforce is possible. I know a few people who could help me write this in C in order to pipe faster, but it may take some time.
I have written the NVG589 code in C with help from a friend. I have not tested performance with hashcat yet, but you should be able to pipe directly in.
Initial tests are interesting.  Between a combination of some pictures I had archived of NVG589's and some listings that can be seen on ebay, I tested a total of 7 devices.

In every case, I could see what the default wifi password was in a picture of the back of the unit.

Of the 7 I tested the results were the following:

4 - password correctly calculated
2 - password almost correctly calculated
1 - not even close

Regarding the 2 that were almost correctly calculated, the passphrase with the exception of the last 2 characters were guessed correctly, but the last 2 characters were wrong.  A workaround is to come up with a rule that can truncate the last 2 characters and brute force positions 11 and 12.  Either that or adjust the code as necessary.

But this is remarkable.  Good work.

Did you test the python or C code?
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