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hashcat Forum

Full Version: hashcat (v3.20) almost half slower vs cudaHashcat v2.01
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C:\hashcat-3.20>hashcat64.exe -m 2500 -b
hashcat (v3.20) starting in benchmark mode...

* Device #1: Old CUDA chipset 3.0 detected, OpenCL performance is reduced.
             For ideal hashcat performance on NVIDIA GPU you need Shader Model 5.0 or higher
nvmlDeviceGetCurrPcieLinkWidth(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetFanSpeed(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetClockInfo(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetTemperatureThreshold(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetUtilizationRates(): Not Supported

nvmlDeviceGetPowerManagementLimit(): Not Supported

OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation
* Device #1: GeForce GTX 780M, 1024/4096 MB allocatable, 8MCU

OpenCL Platform #2: Intel(R) Corporation
* Device #2: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz, skipped

Hashtype: WPA/WPA2

Speed.Dev.#1.....:    25503 H/s (79.99ms)

Started: Sun Jan 01 12:29:49 2017
Stopped: Sun Jan 01 12:29:59 2017


C:\cudaHashcat-2.01>cudaHashcat64.exe -m 2500 -b
cudaHashcat v2.01 starting in benchmark-mode...

Device #1: GeForce GTX 780M, 4096MB, 797Mhz, 8MCU

Hashtype: WPA/WPA2
Workload: 1024 loops, 32 accel

Speed.GPU.#1.:    44128 H/s

Started: Sun Jan 01 12:28:19 2017
Stopped: Sun Jan 01 12:28:38 2017
Quote:* Device #1: Old CUDA chipset 3.0 detected, OpenCL performance is reduced.

This is not a joke. OpenCL != CUDA.

Old Hardware runs faster on CUDA
New Hardware runs faster on OpenCL
Now I finally understand old software for old hardware and new software for new hardware.
I assume that this graphic card is not too old, but I was obviously wrong.

Thanks atom for quick and clear explanation.

Is GTX 1050 good for OpenCL computation?
(01-01-2017, 09:34 PM)darkoan Wrote: [ -> ]Now I finally understand old software for old hardware and new software for new hardware.
I assume that this graphic card is not too old, but I was obviously wrong.

Thanks atom for quick and clear explanation.

Is GTX 1050 good for OpenCL computation?

Yes I just got one.  Here is my benchmark: