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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Installing OpenCL for OCLhashcat
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I have read pretty much every post I can find in the forum about this, so I apologize if this is a redo. I'm brand new to the forum, and I'm trying to figure out how to correctly install Hashcat for my Intel CPU usage.

I'm running The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) on a Macbook late 2015 (cause who needs MacOS these days right?)

Followed steps on this forum and others and ended up with this error:

hashcat (v3.20-88-gd36cc4c5) starting...



No devices found/left

Started: Mon Jan  2 17:23:21 2017
Stopped: Mon Jan  2 17:23:21 2017

I have tar'd and installed the OpenCL drivers (to the best of my knowledge). I've been using Aircrack and WPS+Pixie for most of my cracks, I would like to explore more with Hashcat and oclhashcat.

Your OpenCL installation is broken. If you want to verify with a different tool you can use "clinfo". Please ask on The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) forum about OpenCL installation, this is hashcat forum.
I'm not sure how it could be broken, I have downloaded it directly from Intel's website. If you could care less about my issue then I'll gladly move it elsewhere. I just assumed that this forum's purpose was to encourage education and helping people resolve issues.
Because OpenCL support is broken on The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali). The best recommendation I can give you is to switch to Ubuntu, at least for cracking. If you don't believe me just look for a different tool using OpenCL, it will have the same issues.
As atom stated, this forum is for Hashcat support. We do not provide support for The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali), nor any other OS or software. Installing a working OpenCL runtime is beyond the scope of this project. OpenCL is a bitch, that's a plain and simple fact. And our official recommendation is "Use Ubuntu", because it is currently the best-supported Linux distribution (and always has been.) Beyond that, if you are adamant about using The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) or any other OS with poor OpenCL support, I would suggest opening that dialog directly with them.