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Full Version: mask for MAC Address
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Is it possible someone can help me out with a mask for a MAC address?

I tried something like "-1 :ABCDEF0123456789" but I don't think that is doing what I want.

Thanks in advance.


Also trying 00:?u?d:?u?d:?u?d:?u?d:?u?d and 00:?d?u:?d?u:?d?u:?d?u:?d?u. It is likely a little inefficient but it should work.
i think you want this:

-1 ?dABCDEF ?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1

or your optimized version (which will not work if mobile devices are involved):

-1 ?dABCDEF 00:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1
(11-12-2011, 08:14 AM)shortkud Wrote: [ -> ]Also trying 00:?u?d:?u?d:?u?d:?u?d:?u?d and 00:?d?u:?d?u:?d?u:?d?u:?d?u. It is likely a little inefficient but it should work.

this would not work. It would only generate strings with an upper and a digit. 00:bb:... would not be covered, 00:66: neither. 00:07:bb:c1:... too.
sure, but he did not mention lowercase.
(11-12-2011, 10:03 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]i think you want this:

-1 ?dABCDEF ?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1

or your optimized version (which will not work if mobile devices are involved):

-1 ?dABCDEF 00:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1:?1?1

The first one worked great for me. Thanks.

I know the MAC address is all uppercase so I'm not concerned with lowercase. Wink