very good job Atom! I try all night to bruteforce a WPA password but without dictionary or password lists, i want to make brute force with all combinations posible for 10 charcaters password lenght! can u help me with an example of that command?
i use linux! thx a lot!
(11-13-2011, 11:36 PM)frunzygsm Wrote: [ -> ]i want to make brute force with all combinations posible for 10 charcaters password lenght!
I think you are wasting your time trying that unless you know of a restricted character set.
... or similar. Even then that is going to take an inordinately long time to break.
Try researching your target and make some custom lists, otherwise I think you are going to be disappointed.
How are you so sure there are 10 characters ?
It could be a password that he set on his own AP but once you do the math it would take forever to crack. Unless he has 100+ GPU's which is unlikely.
the restricted charset is a wise choice because most wpa default passwords consists of exactly this charset.
Thanks guys for ur replies, but what i want to say is that in my post i give just an example ..the password wpa is on my router i just want to test that brute force work...i have 8 ati 5970 so all i want to know is that is possible to make al combination or how look the command for all combination of 10 chars long!? i wait an answer from you ! thank a lot!
./mp64.bin -1 ?l?u?d?s ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 | oclhashcat-plus64.bin -m 2500 capture.cap
see you in 1000 years