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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Using hashcat to find v3 ethereum wallet password
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Ok. Thanks for your help!

But, just for the sake of anyone else who might know something, or if someone's in my situation, here's the status.

hashcat3.6 -m 15700 -a 0 --scrypt-tmto 1 -w 1 hash.txt password.txt

still doesn't work. It results in the same output as before:

hashcat () starting...

OpenCL Platform #1: Apple
* Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4260U CPU @ 1.40GHz, skipped.
* Device #2: HD Graphics 5000, 384/1536 MB allocatable, 40MCU

Hashes: 1 digests; 1 unique digests, 1 unique salts
Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entries, 0x0000ffff mask, 262144 bytes, 5/13 rotates
Rules: 1

Applicable optimizers:
* Zero-Byte
* Single-Hash
* Single-Salt

Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger disabled.
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger disabled.

Increasing single-block device memory allocatable for --scrypt-tmto 1.
Cannot allocate enough device memory. Perhaps retry with -n 1.

Started: Mon Jun 19 13:39:18 2017
Stopped: Mon Jun 19 13:39:19 2017
First, use the CPU instead of the integrated GPU. Second, do what Hashcat is telling you to do: use -n 1
How do I choose to use the CPU instead of GPU?

And I've tried using -n 1 (see earlier posts)- it pops up with an error saying -n is deprecated. (but that I can --force it if I want, and I've tried that, and it still errors)

Read the output of --help to determine how to select which devices and platforms to use.

In your earlier post you were using -w 1, not -n 1.
Ok, I'm honestly trying and can't parse anything in the --help that makes sense of that. I found this: , but this is for debian and also deals with getting the CPU to _show up_. Mine shows up, but I don't know how to select it.

Any help?
-D, --opencl-device-types | Str | OpenCL device-types to use, separate with comma | -D 1
  # | Device Type
  1 | CPU
  2 | GPU
  3 | FPGA, DSP, Co-Processor
Your ethereum wallet uses scrypt, which means it's using an anti-gpu algorithm. Therefore you don't get much of acceleration by using a GPU to crack it unless you have many powerful GPUs like the GTX1080. If you stick to -D1 you tell hashcat to use CPU and then you propably do not need to use -n1. Also note that -D1 differs from -d1.
Thanks you all for your help, but I'm still not getting any results.

Here's my input: (I've also tried with out --scrypt-tmto 1 and -w 1)

hashcat3.6 -m 15700 -a 0 --scrypt-tmto 1 -w 1 -D1 hash.txt password.txt

And here's my output:

hashcat () starting...

OpenCL Platform #1: Apple
* Device #1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4260U CPU @ 1.40GHz, 1024/4096 MB allocatable, 4MCU
* Device #2: HD Graphics 5000, skipped.

Hashes: 1 digests; 1 unique digests, 1 unique salts
Bitmaps: 16 bits, 65536 entries, 0x0000ffff mask, 262144 bytes, 5/13 rotates
Rules: 1

Applicable optimizers:
* Zero-Byte
* Single-Hash
* Single-Salt

Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger disabled.
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger disabled.

Increasing single-block device memory allocatable for --scrypt-tmto 1.
Cannot allocate enough device memory. Perhaps retry with -n 1.

Started: Tue Jun 20 10:36:33 2017
Stopped: Tue Jun 20 10:36:33 2017
Ok! I got it to work!

Here's my final command:

hashcat3.6 -m 15700 -a 0 --scrypt-tmto 1 -w 1 -D1 -n 1 --force hash.txt password.txt

And it required a build of hashcat 3.6 from source (brew doesn't have 3.6), and moving the resulting OpenCL files to /usr/local/share/hashcat (along with hashcat.hcstat hashcat.hctune)

Thanks for your help, everyone!
So,, what is your hashrate Phildo?
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