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hashcat Forum

Full Version: hcxtools - solution for capturing wlan traffic and conversion to hashcat formats
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small improvement on wlandump-ng and wlancap2hcx:
Added detection of "Fast BSS transition (fast roaming)" authentication and write frames to cap file.
More and more vendors will add "802.11r-2008", so it's time for us to detect it.

To test the detection, you can download a demo cap example-ft.pcapng from
Then run wlancap2hcx:
$ wlancap2hcx example-ft.pcapng
start reading from example-ft.pcapng
1378 packets processed (1378 wlan, 0 lan, 0 loopback)
total 2 usefull wpa handshakes
found 2 WPA2 AES Cipher, AES-128-CMAC
found Fast BSS transition (fast roaming)
found WPA encrypted data packets

But keep in mind:
We have analyzed hundreds of thousands handshakes:
802.1x Version 2001...............: 2158871
802.1x Version 2004...............: 272160
and found only 18(!) 802.11r inside.
How generate pkmlist with input combilist (option I)
Thats very simple:
Option -I requires a text file containing ESSID:passwort.
for example:
(10-31-2017, 10:09 AM)ZerBea Wrote: [ -> ]Thats very simple:
Option -I requires a text file containing ESSID:passwort.
for example:

Thank you
how to use 2 gpu in wlangenpmkocl
Just run wlangenpmkocl in another terminal and use parameters of second device:
-P <platform> : input platform, default 0 (first platform)
-D <device> : input device, default 0 (first device)

using -l option shows available devices an options;
$ wlangenpmkocl -l
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, OpenCL C 1.2 for this device use options -P 0 -D 0
(10-31-2017, 06:46 PM)ZerBea Wrote: [ -> ]Just run wlangenpmkocl in another terminal and use parameters of second device:
-P <platform> : input platform, default 0 (first platform)
-D <device>   : input device, default 0 (first device)

using -l option shows available devices an options;
$ wlangenpmkocl -l
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, OpenCL C 1.2   for this device use options -P 0 -D 0

I have these two, how I use them together
GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, OpenCL C 1.2   for this device use options -P 0 -D 0
GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, OpenCL C 1.2   for this device use options -P 0 -D 1
There are multiple possibilities, depending on what you wan't to do:

simple example that creates outputlists for direct use with hashcat -m 2501:
Create 2 combilists.
open terminal and run wlangenpmkocl -I combilist1 -a plainmasterkeylist1 -P 0 -D 0
open second terminal and rund wlangenpmkocl -I combilist2 -a plainmasterkeylist2 -P 0 -D 1

Create 2 combilists.
open terminal and run wlangenpmkocl -I combilist1 -A plainmasterkeylist1 -P 0 -D 0
open second terminal and rund wlangenpmkocl -I combilist2 -A plainmasterkeylist2 -P 0 -D 1
To use the calculated list with hashmode run:
cut -d: -f1 plainmasterkeylist2 > hashcatpmkfile

Info how to create combilists using combinator (hashcat-utils)

Just play around with the options to see what is the best combination for you.

It's also possible to run hashcat in the first terminal and
wlangenpmkocl in a second terminal (but that drops speed).
(11-01-2017, 09:51 AM)ZerBea Wrote: [ -> ]There are multiple possibilities, depending on what you wan't to do:

simple example that creates outputlists for direct use with hashcat -m 2501:
Create 2 combilists.
open terminal and run wlangenpmkocl -I combilist1 -a plainmasterkeylist1 -P 0 -D 0
open second terminal and rund wlangenpmkocl -I combilist2 -a plainmasterkeylist2 -P 0 -D 1

Create 2 combilists.
open terminal and run wlangenpmkocl -I combilist1 -A plainmasterkeylist1 -P 0 -D 0
open second terminal and rund wlangenpmkocl -I combilist2 -A plainmasterkeylist2 -P 0 -D 1
To use the calculated list with hashmode run:
cut -d: -f1 plainmasterkeylist2 > hashcatpmkfile

Info how to create combilists using combinator (hashcat-utils)

Just play around with the options to see what is the best combination for you.

It's also possible to run hashcat in the first terminal and
wlangenpmkocl in a second terminal (but that drops speed).

I want to generate pmklist with two simultaneous GPUs to accelerate the process. 
In hashcat option -D 1,2.
In wlangenpmkocl is possible
It is possible.
create you combilist.
split the list into 2 parts of the same size
run in terminal1
wlangenpmkocl -I part1 -a plainmasterkeylist1 -P 0 -D 0
run in terminal2
wlangenpmkocl -I part2 -a plainmasterkeylist2 -P 0 -D 1

if both threads finished:
cat plainmasterkeylist1 plainmasterkeylist2 > totallist