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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Epic cracking!
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Two computers working together is always better than one,why can't you understand this-simple fact?
(08-03-2017, 05:11 PM)slayerdiangelo Wrote: [ -> ]Two computers working together is always better than one,why can't you understand this-simple fact?

Sure, I never denied that. But connecting a bunch of computers together does not make cracking hashes "a piece of cake", why can't you understand that?
You claimed that "even a 20 char long hash can be cracked within minutes,but nobody is interested" and that's just noob talk, sorry to say. Still tried to explain it to you mathematically.

And about distributed hash cracking: there are so many legal problems with it I don't even know where to start at. A criminal organization using a distributed cracking system where you agreed to be a memeber of and YOUR computer cracks a password hash or a WPA key then YOU just made yourself legally guilty for computer fraud or anything equal in dozends of countries.

This is about IT security, not a bunch of kiddies trying to break into uncle Leos WiFi.
(08-03-2017, 05:11 PM)slayerdiangelo Wrote: [ -> ]Two computers working together is always better than one,why can't you understand this-simple fact?

Imagine you had an impossible task. It could either take 50 billion years, or 25 billion years. Would choosing the 25billion year option really benefit you in any way over the 50billion year option? You'll still never complete the task, regardless. You could get it down to 1million years even, but is that useful to you yet? No, No it is not. This is what flomac is saying. 2 computers doing something that's impossible is MORE of a waste than 1 computer doing something thats impossible.
Alright,I admit it,my fault,sorry guys,and thnx for the knowledge.
BTW,why are you guys taking the case of "50 or 25 million years"?Why couldn't you take 2 or 3 weeks?

Two or three computers could reduce that time to 1 week or less,isn't that reasonable?
@slayerdiangelo I think it has to do with your statement
Quote:even a 20 char long hash can be cracked within minutes
Therefore, it was actually you that made this exaggerated claim and other forum users helped you with the math involved such that you can see that the time needed is beyond a human lifetime. I would say in this case it was your fault that people are speaking about the 50 million years, because you made the claim that a 20 char long password will be easy to crack given a lot of hardware working together.
Helped me to get a high hitrate:
OMG,all this fuss-due to my idiotic statement?
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