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hashcat Forum

Full Version: CSV, hashes and username...
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hello folks,

I seem to be at a loss and have gone down several rabbit holes.... the "--username" flag, if iv understood correctly, works only if the "hashfile"  where the hashes and username are locaited is written out in the following manner;

...and so on... correct?

the reason im asking you this is because im having a hard time cracking a list of hashes found in a txt file and then re-combining these hashes to their user name...

when one uses the -o flag the file will only show the cracked hashes, supposedly one is then to compare the specified outfile with the potfile to see which hashses have not been cracked? 

iv tried the --"show" and "--left" flags but I must be using them incorrectly....basically my goat would be that hashcat writes out the list in exactly the same order as the "source" list and eventually omitting the un-cracked it would look something like this.....


and so on

username1:cracked hash1
username4:cracked hash4
and so on....

not sure if any of this makes sense....
while im at it, can hash cat read CSV files as a "hashfile"?

thank you in advance

P.s I can provide the list of username and passwords should you need them....
This question was answered way too often, it even made it into the FAQ:

hash lists in CSV format are not supported since there could be uncountable ways to put the fields together. There would be the need to specify the fields, separators etc... a whole CSV parser with all the command line arguments would be needed.
There are many tools (yeah, on modern operating system even pre-installed, e.g. ubuntu/linux) that can extract the information needed from .csv files very fast and are very easy to use. Just extract the data beforehand and use the correct hash format mentioned here:
(07-27-2017, 10:56 AM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]This question was answered way too often, it even made it into the FAQ:

hash lists in CSV format are not supported since there could be uncountable ways to put the fields together. There would be the need to specify the fields, separators etc... a whole CSV parser with all the command line arguments would be needed.
There are many tools (yeah, on modern operating system even pre-installed, e.g. ubuntu/linux) that can extract the information needed from .csv files very fast and are very easy to use. Just extract the data beforehand and use the correct hash format mentioned here:

Thx Philsmd, cant believe I missed that post Confused....