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hashcat Forum

Full Version: DES KPA
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I was wondering if it was possible to crack DES KPA generated the following way

#echo -n "1234567" | openssl enc -e -des-ecb  -a -nosalt -k a

#echo -n "KQxly2BIRZo="  | base64 -d | xxd
00000000: 290c 65cb 6048 459a                      ).e.`HE.

I was also looking at but it requires a plaintext of 8 characters. And I don't understand this further.

#echo -n "12345678" | openssl enc -e -des-ecb  -a -nosalt -k a

Can someone help me understand this.
I misunderstood the plaintext part. It uses PKCS7 padding in my case.
That solves my issue.