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hashcat Forum

Full Version: oclHashcat-lite v0.08 - computer hangs & display garbage
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oclHashcat-lite v0.08 does not work on my hd 6990/driver 11.04 (os win 2003 x86)
0.08 - says that hash is cracked but gives a garbage as result.
if i use catalyst 11.11 any version of oclHashcat-lite hangs (computer hangs).

(oclHashcat-lite v0.06 work without problems)

oclHashcat-lite32.exe 9b957cc6ab97cbf88c4f6f0f146adafe
oclHashcat-lite v0.8 by atom starting...

GPU-Loops: 1024
GPU-Accel: 160
Password lengths range: 4 - 55
Platform: AMD compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: Cayman, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
Device #2: Cayman, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit =>


Status.......: Cracked
Hash.Target..: 9b957cc6ab97cbf88c4f6f0f146adafe
Hash.Type....: MD5
Time.Running.: 0 secs
Time.Left....: 0 secs
Plain.Mask...: ?1?2?2?2
Plain.Text...: *aaa
Plain.Length.: 4
Progress.....: 2892672/2892672 (100.00%)
Speed.GPU.#1.: 0/s
Speed.GPU.#2.: 1005.3M/s
Speed.GPU.#*.: 2010.7M/s
HWMon.GPU.#1.: 0% GPU, 65c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#2.: 0% GPU, 65c Temp

Started: Sat Nov 26 16:35:32 2011
Stopped: Sat Nov 26 16:35:34 2011

Right results from version 0.06:

oclHashcat-lite32.exe 9b957cc6ab97cbf88c4f6f0f146adafe
oclHashcat-lite v0.6 by atom starting...

Platform: AMD compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: Cayman, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
Device #2: Cayman, 1024MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU


Status.......: Cracked
Hash.Type....: MD5
Time.Running.: 8 mins, 26 secs
Time.Left....: 45 secs
Plain.Text...: ***m30v!
Plain.Length.: 8
Speed........: 10.2G/s
Progress.....: 5068648611840/5533380698112 (91.60%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 94% GPU, 84c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 94% GPU, 84c Temp

Started: Sat Nov 26 16:42:48 2011
Stopped: Sat Nov 26 16:51:31 2011
i guess your opencl.dll was not updated by catalyst installer. remove it by hand.
I reinstall opencl.dll and amdocl.dll manually:
amdocl.dll│ 13 950 464│25.10.11│21:20
amdocl & opencl from catalyst 11.11 package

oclHashcat-lite v0.06 work, but v0.08 display garbage as i posted above.
if i use amdocl & opencl from catalyst 11.04 oclHashcat-lite v0.06 not work and display garbage as v0.08.
thats what i meant. it seems you have a wrong opencl.dll.

my 32bit opencl.dll has 43.520 byte.

maybe different versions between windows7 and windows2003?
(11-26-2011, 11:24 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]maybe different versions between windows7 and windows2003?
Yes. windows 2003 use drivers for windows xp. (amd/ati does not officially support win 2003 at all)
Can you compile version 0.08 with old APP SDK? (with version of SDK used in v0.06)

P.S. opencl.dll just a stub, all opencl code reside in amdocl.dll (13Mb)
i recommend you to upgrade your windows because amd said with sdk 2.6 they will drop support for windows xp.
(11-27-2011, 12:05 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]i recommend you to upgrade your windows because amd said with sdk 2.6 they will drop support for windows xp.
i can't upgrade my windows.

according to page
amd drop support of xp in sdk 2.4