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hashcat Forum

Full Version: oclHashcat-lite v0.08 - bad speed
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hi atom
still same problem for me, my 8 GPUS are still running at 75%, even by increasing the -n value, i get maximum 95% by gpu, while with oclhashcat lite 0.06, i get 99% for all gpu with -n 50 only
I noticed something wrong -v0.07 and v0.08 are slower than v 0.06 (updated on catalyst 11.11 2xHD6970 not overclocked)
here is copy of test(from 0.05-0.08):
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 50D2-E3E5

Directory of C:\

14.06.2011 13:13 <DIR> AMD
13.06.2011 13:52 <DIR> ATI
11.06.2011 08:49 156 csb.log
11.06.2011 11:30 <DIR> GvTemp
11.06.2011 08:44 217 Install.log
20.06.2011 10:43 <DIR> mysql
30.06.2011 12:35 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.05
26.11.2011 09:09 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.06
26.11.2011 09:05 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.07
26.11.2011 08:50 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.08
14.07.2009 04:20 <DIR> PerfLogs
17.09.2011 11:07 <DIR> Program Files
26.11.2011 08:22 <DIR> Program Files (x86)
11.06.2011 08:45 <DIR> RaidTool
11.06.2011 08:41 3.341 RHDSetup.log
26.11.2011 08:40 144 service.log
11.06.2011 08:21 <DIR> Users
26.11.2011 08:40 <DIR> Windows
13.06.2011 06:40 <DIR> Wintesla
4 File(s) 3.858 bytes
15 Dir(s) 155.525.894.144 bytes free

C:\>cd oclHashcat-lite-0.05

C:\oclHashcat-lite-0.05>oclHashcat-lite64.exe -m 1900 -n 30 -1 00010203040506070
809 --outfile=out.txt E14EAECC11A4A74715E6C500002B86053B2D5093:003537640 49648250
0 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
oclHashcat-lite v0.4 starting...

Platform: AMD compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
Device #2: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => s
Status.......: Running
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 5 secs
Time.Left....: 3 days, 3 hours
Plain.Text...: ********0002050702000200000000
Plain.Length.: 15
Speed........: 3693.4M/s
Progress.....: 19731087360/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 0% GPU, 50c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 0% GPU, 47c Temp
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => q

Status.......: Aborted
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 10 secs
Time.Left....: 3 days, 3 hours
Plain.Text...: ********0004020409050300000000
Plain.Length.: 15
Speed........: 3685.4M/s
Progress.....: 35775774720/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 98% GPU, 51c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 98% GPU, 47c Temp

Started: Sat Nov 26 09:19:30 2011
Stopped: Sat Nov 26 09:19:41 2011



Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 50D2-E3E5

Directory of C:\

14.06.2011 13:13 <DIR> AMD
13.06.2011 13:52 <DIR> ATI
11.06.2011 08:49 156 csb.log
11.06.2011 11:30 <DIR> GvTemp
11.06.2011 08:44 217 Install.log
20.06.2011 10:43 <DIR> mysql
30.06.2011 12:35 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.05
26.11.2011 09:09 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.06
26.11.2011 09:05 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.07
26.11.2011 08:50 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.08
14.07.2009 04:20 <DIR> PerfLogs
17.09.2011 11:07 <DIR> Program Files
26.11.2011 08:22 <DIR> Program Files (x86)
11.06.2011 08:45 <DIR> RaidTool
11.06.2011 08:41 3.341 RHDSetup.log
26.11.2011 08:40 144 service.log
11.06.2011 08:21 <DIR> Users
26.11.2011 08:40 <DIR> Windows
13.06.2011 06:40 <DIR> Wintesla
4 File(s) 3.858 bytes
15 Dir(s) 155.525.894.144 bytes free

C:\>cd oclHashcat-lite-0.06

C:\oclHashcat-lite-0.06>oclHashcat-lite64.exe -m 1900 -n 30 -1 00010203040506070
809 --outfile=out.txt E14EAECC11A4A74715E6C500002B86053B2D5093:003537640 49648250
0 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
oclHashcat-lite v0.6 by atom starting...

Platform: AMD compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
Device #2: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => s
Status.......: Running
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 2 secs
Time.Left....: 2 days, 17 hours
Plain.Text...: ********0004020009020100000000
Plain.Length.: 15
Speed........: 4256.9M/s
Progress.....: 12735774720/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 0% GPU, 47c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 0% GPU, 48c Temp
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => q

Status.......: Aborted
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 6 secs
Time.Left....: 2 days, 17 hours
Plain.Text...: ********0002030808040200000000
Plain.Length.: 15
Speed........: 4256.3M/s
Progress.....: 24622202880/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
HW.Monitor.#1: 95% GPU, 47c Temp
HW.Monitor.#2: 95% GPU, 47c Temp

Started: Sat Nov 26 09:21:02 2011
Stopped: Sat Nov 26 09:21:09 2011


Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 50D2-E3E5

Directory of C:\

14.06.2011 13:13 <DIR> AMD
13.06.2011 13:52 <DIR> ATI
11.06.2011 08:49 156 csb.log
11.06.2011 11:30 <DIR> GvTemp
11.06.2011 08:44 217 Install.log
20.06.2011 10:43 <DIR> mysql
30.06.2011 12:35 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.05
26.11.2011 09:09 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.06
26.11.2011 09:05 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.07
26.11.2011 08:50 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.08
14.07.2009 04:20 <DIR> PerfLogs
17.09.2011 11:07 <DIR> Program Files
26.11.2011 08:22 <DIR> Program Files (x86)
11.06.2011 08:45 <DIR> RaidTool
11.06.2011 08:41 3.341 RHDSetup.log
26.11.2011 08:40 144 service.log
11.06.2011 08:21 <DIR> Users
26.11.2011 08:40 <DIR> Windows
13.06.2011 06:40 <DIR> Wintesla
4 File(s) 3.858 bytes
15 Dir(s) 155.525.894.144 bytes free

C:\>cd oclHashcat-lite-0.07

C:\oclHashcat-lite-0.07>oclHashcat-lite64.exe -m 1900 -n 30 -1 00010203040506070
809 --outfile=out.txt E14EAECC11A4A74715E6C500002B86053B2D5093:003537640 49648250
0 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
oclHashcat-lite v0.7 by atom starting...

GPU-Loops: 1024
GPU-Accel: 30
Password lengths range: 15 - 15
Platform: AMD compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
Device #2: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => s
Status.......: Running
Hash.Target..: e14eaecc11a4a74715e6c500002b86053b2d5093:003537640 496482500
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 3 seconds
Time.Left....: 3 days, 5 hours
Plain.Mask...: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Plain.Text...: ********3032393530313130303030
Plain.Length.: 15
Progress.....: 11672616960/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
Speed.GPU.#1.: 1793.2M/s
Speed.GPU.#2.: 1792.8M/s
Speed.GPU.#*.: 3586.0M/s
HWMon.GPU.#1.: 0% GPU, 48c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#2.: 0% GPU, 49c Temp
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => q

Status.......: Aborted
Hash.Target..: e14eaecc11a4a74715e6c500002b86053b2d5093:003537640 496482500
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 11 seconds
Time.Left....: 3 days, 10 hours
Plain.Mask...: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Plain.Text...: ********3030343638363330303030
Plain.Length.: 15
Progress.....: 36911185920/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
Speed.GPU.#1.: 1685.7M/s
Speed.GPU.#2.: 1685.1M/s
Speed.GPU.#*.: 3370.8M/s
HWMon.GPU.#1.: 78% GPU, 49c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#2.: 78% GPU, 50c Temp

Started: Sat Nov 26 09:21:47 2011
Stopped: Sat Nov 26 09:21:59 2011



Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 50D2-E3E5

Directory of C:\

14.06.2011 13:13 <DIR> AMD
13.06.2011 13:52 <DIR> ATI
11.06.2011 08:49 156 csb.log
11.06.2011 11:30 <DIR> GvTemp
11.06.2011 08:44 217 Install.log
20.06.2011 10:43 <DIR> mysql
30.06.2011 12:35 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.05
26.11.2011 09:09 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.06
26.11.2011 09:21 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.07
26.11.2011 08:50 <DIR> oclHashcat-lite-0.08
14.07.2009 04:20 <DIR> PerfLogs
17.09.2011 11:07 <DIR> Program Files
26.11.2011 08:22 <DIR> Program Files (x86)
11.06.2011 08:45 <DIR> RaidTool
11.06.2011 08:41 3.341 RHDSetup.log
26.11.2011 08:40 144 service.log
11.06.2011 08:21 <DIR> Users
26.11.2011 08:40 <DIR> Windows
13.06.2011 06:40 <DIR> Wintesla
4 File(s) 3.858 bytes
15 Dir(s) 155.525.894.144 bytes free

C:\>cd oclHashcat-lite-0.08

C:\oclHashcat-lite-0.08>oclHashcat-lite64.exe -m 1900 -n 30 -1 00010203040506070
809 --outfile=out.txt E14EAECC11A4A74715E6C500002B86053B2D5093:003537640 49648250
0 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
oclHashcat-lite v0.8 by atom starting...

GPU-Loops: 1024
GPU-Accel: 30
Password lengths range: 15 - 15
Platform: AMD compatible platform found
Watchdog: Temperature limit set to 90c
Device #1: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
Device #2: Cayman, 2048MB, 0Mhz, 24MCU
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => s
Status.......: Running
Hash.Target..: e14eaecc11a4a74715e6c500002b86053b2d5093:003537640 496482500
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 1 second
Time.Left....: 3 days, 14 hours
Plain.Mask...: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Plain.Text...: ********0002010504060000000000
Plain.Length.: 15
Progress.....: 6498385920/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
Speed.GPU.#1.: 1604.4M/s
Speed.GPU.#2.: 1588.8M/s
Speed.GPU.#*.: 3193.2M/s
HWMon.GPU.#1.: 0% GPU, 48c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#2.: 0% GPU, 49c Temp
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [q]uit => q

Status.......: Aborted
Hash.Target..: e14eaecc11a4a74715e6c500002b86053b2d5093:003537640 496482500
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 5 seconds
Time.Left....: 3 days, 5 hours
Plain.Mask...: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Plain.Text...: ********0008080805060100000000
Plain.Length.: 15
Progress.....: 17013473280/1000000000000000 (0.00%)
Speed.GPU.#1.: 1789.5M/s
Speed.GPU.#2.: 1787.6M/s
Speed.GPU.#*.: 3577.1M/s
HWMon.GPU.#1.: 0% GPU, 48c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#2.: 0% GPU, 50c Temp

Started: Sat Nov 26 09:22:38 2011
Stopped: Sat Nov 26 09:22:45 2011

update must be faster - or not? Big Grin
after some research, i find that by adding --restore-timer=30, it works smoothly

Status.......: Running
Hash.Target..: 3d2ac5cf0ffb0461a1f1bff337baab887e6ab164:00359xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hash.Type....: SL3
Time.Running.: 1 minute, 10 seconds
Time.Left....: 15 hours, 48 minutes
Plain.Mask...: ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Plain.Text...: ********0000000205070202010000
Plain.Length.: 15
Progress.....: 1232211968000/1000000000000000 (0.12%)
Speed.GPU.#1.: 2193.5M/s
Speed.GPU.#2.: 2194.5M/s
Speed.GPU.#3.: 2192.3M/s
Speed.GPU.#4.: 2192.4M/s
Speed.GPU.#5.: 2191.4M/s
Speed.GPU.#6.: 2194.5M/s
Speed.GPU.#7.: 2192.9M/s
Speed.GPU.#8.: 2194.2M/s
Speed.GPU.#*.: 17545.8M/s
HWMon.GPU.#1.: 99% GPU, 38c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#2.: 98% GPU, 39c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#3.: 98% GPU, 40c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#4.: 98% GPU, 40c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#5.: 98% GPU, 39c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#6.: 99% GPU, 40c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#7.: 99% GPU, 40c Temp
HWMon.GPU.#8.: 99% GPU, 40c Temp