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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Error Ubuntu 10.10 - 64 bit - ATI V11.11 Error: -clGetPlatformIDs() -1001
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I am trying to get oclHashcat-lite V0.06, V0.07 and 0.08 running on a Linux box running Ubuntu 10.10-64 bit on a clean install w/ Multiple ATI 6970s. I am looking to get it working using the latest ATI 11.11 driver. The same system with ATI driver 11.04 and SDK V2.4 works just fine.

After the OS was cleanly installed; I performed:
1)ATI driver v11.11 installation and reboot system.
2)export DISPLAY=:0 added to bash.bashrc script file
3)Performed aticonfig -f --initial, reboot system
4) NO SDK driver installed as per advice from the following thread
5)NO ICD Registration performed as required with past SDK 2.4 install
5) Performed verification by doing an "ldd oclHashcat-lite64.bin" and checked the path. It was not found so I created symlink as per the following thread
4)Reboot the system and attempted to run ./oclHashcat-lite64.bin and received the following error.

clGetPlatformIDs() -1001

Do I need to be running Ubuntu 11.10 w/ ATI driver version 11.11 to avoid the following error? Was there something I missed? ICD Registration perhaps?

Yes, you are right, it seems catalyst installer does not copy the ICD registration files to /etc/OpenCL. I think that is the reason. Otherwise strace it.
Hey atom

I tried expanding the ICD registration files; but the end result is still the same. Is there a command that needs to be ran after the extraction of the ICD registration? Also below is the output from creating the sym links and running the ldd cmd.

:~/oclHashcat-lite-0.07# ldd oclHashcat-lite64.bin => (0x00007fff9cb51000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f042c771000) => /lib/ (0x00007f042c554000) => /lib/ (0x00007f042c34f000) => /lib/ (0x00007f042bfcc000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f042c986000)

My preference is to stick with Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit but need to overcome the following errror. Any additional suggstions would be appreciated.
no, there is no additional command neccessary. here is how it appears on my setup:

Quote:root@sf:~# cd /etc/OpenCL/
root@sf:/etc/OpenCL# ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 atom atom 4096 Nov 15 23:44 vendors
root@sf:/etc/OpenCL# cd vendors/
root@sf:/etc/OpenCL/vendors# ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15 Nov 15 23:44 amdocl32.icd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15 Nov 15 23:44 amdocl64.icd
root@sf:/etc/OpenCL/vendors# cat *

also, very important, make sure your user has a valid xsession. best way to ensure is to run it from inside an x11 in xterm or something. also do export DISPLAY=:0 before running.

Hey Atom,

You mentioned a few things in your last post and saw something mentioned on your wiki. Most importantly unless I missed something for the install instructions; where are you getting the following files from? I do not recall extracting the following files; but i see the cat command used; is that just output from the two files?(amdocl32.icd/amdocl64.icd)

And as per your wiki:
How does one confirm that I am the same user whom opened the X session? Please give command/syntax. There are not multiple users on the system.

Lastly what is the following command used for and do I need to use it? I saw it from the old SDK 2.5 install instructions. Which I never had on my machine for it was a clean install.

Run command "sudo ldconfig -v"

Afer this I am fresh out of ideas and will revert back to Ubunyu 11.04-64 bit and see if anything changes.

Thank you
(12-03-2011, 06:33 AM)tatgdi Wrote: [ -> ]where are you getting the following files from? I do not recall extracting the following files; but i see the cat command used; is that just output from the two files?(amdocl32.icd/amdocl64.icd)

They are part of the SDK installation and are required for OpenCL. The driver has to install them. If it is not doing it there is a bug in the driver.

(12-03-2011, 06:33 AM)tatgdi Wrote: [ -> ]And as per your wiki:
How does one confirm that I am the same user whom opened the X session? Please give command/syntax. There are not multiple users on the system.

Just run any other X11 app, for example: xterm

If its opening on your desktop, its working.

(12-03-2011, 06:33 AM)tatgdi Wrote: [ -> ]Lastly what is the following command used for and do I need to use it? I saw it from the old SDK 2.5 install instructions. Which I never had on my machine for it was a clean install.

Run command "sudo ldconfig -v"

Afer this I am fresh out of ideas and will revert back to Ubunyu 11.04-64 bit and see if anything changes.

Thank you

This is not specific for the SDK or driver. With this command you can see from where this dynamically linked app is trying to load its libraries from. On here it was just used to ensure it finds and used the correct from driver.