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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Getting a weird hash from PDF?
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Hey Guys,

Been reading through the wikis and the list of examples. Ive got a few PDF's I'm trying to unlock, and I'm getting the dreaded "Line Length Exception"

Upon comparing it to what's in the wiki, the hash's im getting from arent long enough?

Also I get different hash lengths depending which version of python i use. 

What I first got with Python 3

Then when i ran it under python 2.7.2

my syntax is
C:\Hashcat\hashcat64.exe -m 10500 -a 3 2010.Hash ?b?b?b?b?b

I'm startinig to wonder if this is locked in a way hashcat isn't meant to crack? IE I'm over complicating this?

Yes. i'm a newb. I figured one of you pros might look at it and go "yup. You sir are doing it wrong"
I'm on windows 10 pro, python 3.6 and 2.7.2 installed. Wondering if life will be easier to install linux alongside...

Thanks guys.
Have you tried ?  By the way, posting hashes on the board are not permitted unless directed by one of the administrators.  It's in the rules. You risk getting banned for a week. can be found by doing a search on the FAQ page.

(11-10-2017, 09:18 PM)Zeppelin1007 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Guys,

Been reading through the wikis and the list of examples. Ive got a few PDF's I'm trying to unlock, and I'm getting the dreaded "Line Length Exception"

Upon comparing it to what's in the wiki, the hash's im getting from arent long enough?

Also I get different hash lengths depending which version of python i use. 

What I first got with Python 3

Then when i ran it under python 2.7.2

my syntax is
C:\Hashcat\hashcat64.exe -m 10500 -a 3 2010.Hash ?b?b?b?b?b

I'm startinig to wonder if this is locked in a way hashcat isn't meant to crack? IE I'm over complicating this?

Yes. i'm a newb. I figured one of you pros might look at it and go "yup. You sir are doing it wrong"
I'm on windows 10 pro, python 3.6 and 2.7.2 installed. Wondering if life will be easier to install linux alongside...

Thanks guys.
As far as I know the current up-to-date script to extract the info from .pdf files is (a perl file not a python file):

I would give this up-to-date script a try (running it with the perl interpreter)