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hashcat Forum

Full Version: 6 x rx480 ? is this good???
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hello guys i am new here i wonder:

i have 

8gb ram 
6 S[b]apphire RX480 GDDR5 8GB NITRO+ 256Bit AMD Radeon DX12[/b]
120 gb ssd
cpu 3.2ghz
windows 10

is this good hardware configuration for runing hashcat?
please tell me what is this conf capable for. what can i do with this using hashcat

One Radeon RX 480 : ~184000 hash/s on WPA
I'm afraid they will heat up each other if put in one case. 8GB of RAM might not be enough in some situations while feeding 6 GPUs.

Which leaves us with the question: what are your plans for cracking with hashcat?
This looks more like an Ethereum mining rig than a Hashcat rig. The RX480 is a shitty GPU for password cracking, and if you have 48GB VRAM (6x8GB) then you really want at least 48GB of host RAM as well.
(11-27-2017, 01:52 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]This looks more like an Ethereum mining rig than a Hashcat rig. The RX480 is a shitty GPU for password cracking, and if you have 48GB VRAM (6x8GB) then you really want at least 48GB of host RAM as well.

I was going to say the same thing about a mining rig and would agree. My RX cards are pretty bad with Hashcat and I always find myself running into errors (at least on Win 10). FWIW, my 480s get ~213kH/s on WPA (MSI Gaming X version at 1303MHz).