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hashcat Forum

Full Version: help with android wpa store
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hii i have a file in my android with name "wpa_supplicant.conf"
i see the password on my wifi in the value psk=****** (32 digit)
but i dot found any tools to decrypt the psk to the password

can anyone help me?
Hi ware55.
use hashcat hashmode -m 12000

and read basic information (how-to) here:

In case of an ANDROID hotspot default password:
on older ANDROIDs (ssid = AndroidAP) try this mask:

on latest ANDROIDs, the password is:
first 12 xdigits of the uuid (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
this is not working.
my hash is like a MD5 (128bit)
i have same like this (this is a example from google)


what can i do?

(12-17-2017, 11:28 AM)ZerBea Wrote: [ -> ]Hi ware55.
use hashcat hashmode -m 12000

and read basic information (how-to) here:

In case of an ANDROID hotspot default password:
on older ANDROIDs (ssid = AndroidAP) try this mask:

on latest ANDROIDs, the password is:
first 12 xdigits of the uuid (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Thanks for the additional informations. Now I understand what you mean.
Well, I assume
- you use a SAMSUNG ANDROID device (?)
- you have secure storage activated (?)
- your device is rooted  (?)

The bad news:
I do not know about an all-in-one tool to recover this secured passwords.
Read more about secure storage here:
and here:

Use adb root shell to disable secure storage (you need to type your WiFi passwords new, so this will not help you to retrieve your old passwords).

ANDROID use a masterkey, derived from the device unlock password or PIN
to encrypt (AES 128 bit) the WiFi passwords.
Read more about the PIN here:

The good news (there is another to way recover the password):
capture an authentication sequence from your phone
convert the cap to hccapx
run hashcat -m 2500 and a wordlist containing your favourite passwords against this hccapx
i was wondering myself how could u decrypt this part psk=fce6c4f64304b00c5783199bbd2b1f91

@atom any idea?
Hi ware55.
"what can i do?"

Get the Masterkey of your phone and decrypt it.
Use bash openssl and this (decrypted) key to decrypt your WiFi passwords.

But it isn't an easy way and differs in the different versions of ANDROID as you can read here:

Your example is from 2015 and since this time without a solution, although the plaintext (77807780) is published, too.

Some app programmers tried to apply it to their key recovery tools, but they failed:

You should consider to install TWRP ( and LINEAGE ( on your device.
how can i get the master key of my android?

(12-18-2017, 09:02 AM)ZerBea Wrote: [ -> ]Hi ware55.
"what can i do?"

Get the Masterkey of your phone and decrypt it.
Use bash openssl and this (decrypted) key to decrypt your WiFi passwords.

But it isn't an easy way and differs in the different versions of ANDROID as you can read here:

Your example is from 2015 and since this time without a solution, although the plaintext (77807780) is published, too.

Some app programmers tried to apply it to their key recovery tools, but they failed:

You should consider to install TWRP (  and LINEAGE ( on your device.
Hi ware55.
As this depends on your cell phone and your Android Version, it's a question to ask in this forum: