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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hash of a .pdf file
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Hi everybody, I'm trying to find the password of a .pdf file.
So I use the python script to obtain the hash. This is an extract of the result :

When I search what hash I need to enter for PDF, I've seen one which is pretty similar :
Quote:-m 10500 PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)
with this example on the wiki :

So I see that mine have 3904 instead of the 1028 on the example. What means this numbers ? Can I still use  the -m 10500 or it's useless and I need to use another hash method ?

how about you just try to load it and see what happens? That's even faster than writing a post about it…
(12-17-2017, 05:22 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]how about you just try to load it and see what happens? That's even faster than writing a post about it…

For a few characters yes, it will be short. But if I go until 15 it will take a long time to search. And if it's not the right direction, it will be a loss of time.
If it loads the hash it is working.
(12-17-2017, 06:00 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]If it loads the hash it is working.

Ok thanks for the reply. But I'm still curious of the meaning of these 2 numbers if someone have the answer.
might be the iteration count, but I'm guessing.