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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Atom. You are a star, but I'm stuck
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Hi Atom.
I have used your software for a while (I'm a better reader than a writer). I have just updated from hashcat lite 0.6 to 0.8.. Cleared all of the old ati software. Reinstalled 11.11. Pulled the crossfire cables from the cards. For the life of me, I cannot get above 6080 sec. With the "old" hashcat lite and drivers, I used to get <> 6330 sec.

I know I'm A noob, and most time I manage to work my way through most things.. This time I'm stuck.. What have I done wrong?

Running 3 * ati Sapphire 6970, win 7 64 , MSI Afterburner.

Only "odd" thing I have done was to not install Catalyst Control (a guide on another forum).

Thanks for any help offered.
I too see this ! 6970 + 6990, the 6990 is the "second card" and both gpu utilization does not go till 99% like on 0.6, only the 6970 goes to 99%.

Running a quick test with 0.6 all works ok, 64xx sec again.

Was kinda looking for that 3% sl3 increase on 0.8 version.
many people say this helps: add --restore-timer=60 to your cmdline
Cheers Atom. I forgot to mention that in my case all cards are running at 99%. I have also tried the --restore-timer=60.. I'm simply baffled
there is more stuff to play around with. try adding these: -n 800 --outfile-watch 0 --gpu-watchdog 0 --hex-salt --hex-charset

also try with -d 1, -d 2 and -d 3. this way you can target a specific gpu. a single 6990 is running at ~ 1865M on stock clock. if you get these everything is fine, the 6970 should be around 1966M on stock clock.

Thankyou very much. I'll wait for this current file to finish, then have a good play with it.
In my case I only needed to append the --restore-timer=0. I have 64xx sec again. Was kinda hopping to see more but same speed it's fine also. Thank you very much.