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Full Version: Titan V benchmarks
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Pages: 1 2
o crap... glad to read this... i was wondering to buy some high end gpu for that Smile

but ... it shouldnt be usable on amd cards... but on nvidia 12 gb ram? any idea it will work on ANY GPU CARD?

or ... what CPU will be best for -m 15700?

old xeons? new ryzen? new i9? a lot of old quad core?
(01-20-2018, 10:32 AM)qweasd21 Wrote: [ -> ]o crap... glad to read this... i was wondering to buy some high end gpu for that Smile

but ... it shouldnt be usable on amd cards... but on nvidia 12 gb ram? any idea it will work on ANY GPU CARD?

or ... what CPU will be best for -m 15700?

old xeons? new ryzen? new i9? a lot of old quad core?

Atom is the best person to answer this question, however I suggest that you persue this in a seperate thread rather than this one as this thread is supposed to be focussed on the Titan-V and your question is not Titan V specific.
have you maybe tried this :

it is possible to run titan v on -m 15700 now?

I saw screenshots with titan xp with -m15700 so titan v should work too...?
I know this thread is a little old, but I'm honestly surprised the Titan V only hit 67 BH/s on NTLM, the 1080 Ti hits mid-high 50's
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