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hashcat Forum

Full Version: [HELP] Hashcat Mask
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So i need some help for create a mask.
Here is what i know about the password:

1: It's a 8 chars uppercase password
2: the password never have two same caractere next to the other like AABCDEFG
3: The password don't have more than two time the same letter in the whole password ABCABCA can not work because there are 3 time the A letter in the whole password but ABCABCD work.

4: the same sequence is never repeted in the password: ABHGJAB is not possible AB is repeted.

I don't know if the mask will really decrease the cracking time but i have 50.000 H/s cracking speed so if you can calculate it too it would be very nice.

Thank you very much !
for points 1 to 3 you could use maskprocessor. It supports the -q and -r command line arguments that filter out exactly the password candidates that do not match the policy that you described above.

For #4 you probably would need to create a custom script, because I do not think this is supported by those tools (this feature would probably need to be very flexible and would need to allow substrings of custom length, not only length 2 substrings).

For #1-#3 you could just pipe maskprocessor to hashcat.
mp64 -q 3 -r 3 ?u?u?u?u?u?u?u?u | hashcat -m 2500 a.hccapx
(02-13-2018, 10:15 AM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]for points 1 to 3 you could use maskprocessor. It supports the -q and -r command line arguments that filter out exactly the password candidates that do not match the policy that you described above.

For #4 you probably would need to create a custom script, because I do not think this is supported by those tools (this feature would probably need to be very flexible and would need to allow substrings of custom length, not only length 2 substrings).

For #1-#3 you could just pipe maskprocessor to hashcat.
mp64 -q 3 -r 3 ?u?u?u?u?u?u?u?u | hashcat -m 2500 a.hccapx


Thank you for your answer.
How to make the script you talk about?
And finaly, it worth the time to make this script and i whant to know if the cracking time will be really decreased or not. Thank you !
Ps: i use hashcat on windows for the moment, i breaked an The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) installation when i tried to install cuda driver. the command line you gave is correct for windows?

Thank you again and have a nice day !
Ok i got it working on windows but hashcat say password lenght maximum 63 ! but my password is exactly 8 chars uppercase.
That is just a hint how long WPA/WPA2 hashes could be in general (maximum allowed password length for WPA/WPA2).

For some hash types there are even 2 different kernel files (optimized vs pure). For some hash types you could use -O , which is not possible (because it doesn't improve speed) for WPA/WPA2.

The command line parameter that you could add to improve speed is either -w 3 (less lagging) or -w 4 (could lag a lot).